
It is the most common element in the human body... A: Carbon, B: Hydrogen, C: Oxygen, D: Calcium

C. Oxygen. It makes up almost 63% of the average human. Following, are major elements and the percentages of the human body that they represent: Oxygen- 62.81% Carbon- 19.37% Hydrogen- 9.31% Nitrogen- 5.14% Sulfur- 0.64% Phosphorus- 0.63% Other- 2.10%


This type of water weighs the most... A: seawater B: distilled water C: tap water D: they all have the same weight.

A: sea water. It is loaded with mineral salts and weighs about a pound and a half more per cubic foot than fresh water at the same temperature.


What language is this?

Sign language


When a liquid is changed to a solid it is called?



These are the only two planets in our solar system without moons... A: Mercury & Venus, B: Venus & Mars, C: Uranus & Neptune, D: Neptune & Pluto

A: Mercury & Venus. As far as we know, Saturn has the most moons. Saturn has at least 25 satellites that measure at least 6 miles (10 kilometers) in diameter, and several smaller satellites. The largest of Saturn's satellites, Titan, has a diameter of about 3,200 miles (5,150 kilometers) -- larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto.


This living animal has the heaviest brain... A: African Bush Elephant, B: Black Rhinoceros, C: Sperm Whale, D: Human

C. Sperm Whales. They have the heaviest brain of any living animal. The average Sperm Whale's brain weighs more than 20 pounds (9 kilograms) which is about 4 times heavier than the average human brain.


This is the hardest naturally occurring substance... A: emerald B: tourmaline C: diamond D: corrundum

C: Diamond. Diamonds are crystals formed almost entirely of carbon. Because of its hardness, the diamond is the most enduring of all gemstones.


How many phonemes are in the word box?



When a solid changes to a liquid it is called?



This year boasted the first woman in space... A: 1963, B: 1968, C: 1973, D: 1983

A. 1963.


Of the following, it has the longest recorded life span. A: Termite, B: Chimpanzee, C: Indian Elephant, D: Freshwater Oyster

Freshwater Oyster (80 years.) The longest recorded life span for a termite is 50 years; for a chimapanzee, 50 years; and for an Indian elephant, 70 years.


The largest hailstone recorded was closest to this object in diameter... A: basketball B: softball C: tennis ball D: golf ball

A: basketball. The largest hailstone ever recorded was 17.5 inches in diameter - bigger than a basketball.


What are the most basic units of meaning? 

A. Letters

B. Phonemes

C. Words

D. Phones

B. Phonemes
A phoneme is a unit of sound that can distinguish one word from another in a particular language.


A theory about the universe beginning from a gigantic explosion-like event about 15 billion years ago

Big Bang Theory


The three main parts of a comet are the nucleus, the tail, and the _____. A: Zenith, B: Umbra, C: Radiant, D: Coma

D. Coma. The coma consists of gases and dust around the nucleus.


This was the first genetically engineered organism. A: Corn, B: Tobacco, C: Sheep, D: Rat

B. tobacco plant. In 1983, a tobacco plant, designed to be resistant to certain herbicides, was grown in Wisconsin.


The first Earth Day was celebrated in this year... A: 1950 B: 1960 C: 1970 D: 1980

C: 1970. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, and has been celebrated each year following on April 22nd. The original purpose of Earth Day was to inspire people to think and act more environmentally.  


Which of these is a daughter language? 

A. Spanish

B. Latin

C. Germanic

D. Hellenic

A. Spanish


When a liquid changes to a gas it is called?



It is the term for the condition when three celestial bodies are arranged in a straight line... A: Occultation, B: Parallax, C: Syzygy, D: Triple Transit

C: Syzygy. Syzygy is the condition when three celestial bodies are arranged in a straight line--as, for example, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned during solar and lunar eclipses.


This animal has the highest blood pressure... A: Giraffe, B: Blue Whale, C: Elephant, D: Flea

A: Giraffe. Because of its extremely long neck, the giraffe must rely on its oversized heart (two feet long and twenty-five pounds) to pump blood all the way to its head. As a result, the giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal: 280/180 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) at heart level when prone -- more than twice the blood pressure of an average human.


Mauna Kea is the highest volcano mountain on Earth with a total height of more than 10,000 meters. Where is it located? A. Hawaii B. Greenland C. Iceland

A. Hawaii


Slang is most often created to

A. Exclude outsiders 

B. Disguise and disfigure a language 

C. Hide from people in positions of power 

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


A hypothesis that has been tested and found workable



The planets make up this percentage of the mass in our solar system... A: 0.0135%, B: 0.135%, C: 1.35%, D: 13.5%

B: 0.135% of the mass in our solar system. The Sun dominates, accounting for 99.86 % of the entire solar system's mass.