Energy, Force, & Food Webs
Properties of Soil
Matter and Mixtures
Random Science 1
Random Science 2

Students built an incomplete circuit. Which object could be placed in the space between the wires to complete the circuit and make the bulb light?

Check with your teacher. 


Which property of soil could students determine by rubbing a sample between their fingers?

The texture of the soil


Students recorded data on the diameter and mass of three spheres. Next, they placed three spheres in an aquarium full of water. What property of matter are they testing for?

Density (the ability to sink or float)


Caves are large empty spaces below the surface of the earth. Which type of change to land forms caves over millions of years?



Dunes are large piles of sand that shift slowly around in deserts and on beaches. What causes the dune to move from place to place?

Blowing Winds


Students are investigating the effect of different surfaces (tile, wood, and carpet) on the time it takes a toy car to roll two meters. The students are measuring the effect of which force?



Enlarged images of the particles that make up four soils are shown. Which soil particles have the smoothest texture?

Soil C Particles


Which tool would be needed to measure the mass of an object?

A Triple Beam Balance 


Why is water classified as a renewable rather than a nonrenewable resource?

Water is constantly replaced by the Water Cycle 


Finish the Sentence 

Fossil fuels are classified as nonrenewable resources because they _________.

take a long time to form


Elijah places four different materials at the same temperature onto a hot plate to find out which material is the best insulator. The information presented in the table shows the temperature of each material after 15 minutes.

Elijah can conclude that which of the following materials is the best insulator?

Material 3


How should a student conduct an investigation to find the best soil to grow a carrot? The student should place carrot seeds in several containers, all with _______. 

different kinds of soil, and the same amount of light and water


Finish the Sentence 

One group of students mixed salt with warm water. Another group mixed sugar with warm water. How are the mixtures the same? In both mixtures _______. 

a solid dissolves in the water


The diagram shows a model of the water cycle created by a group of science students. What part of the model represents accumulation in the water cycle? 

Water sitting in the bottom of the bottle.


Students measured the rainfall outside their classroom for five days and recorded their observations.

What two days was there an increase in the amount of rainfall? 

June 11 and June 12


Four organisms are illustrated here. Which organism can be considered a producer?



Students poured 200 mL of water through a soil sample. They collected and measured the water that drained from the soil. The water collected had a volume of 110 mL. How much water did the soil retain?



Name one way that mixtures and solutions are SIMILAR.

Check with your teacher. 


The labeled diagram shows the water cycle. In the diagram, which process involves water changing from a gas to a liquid



Ms. Spencer looked at a weather map and saw an "L" followed by a cold front ribbon heading towards the Houston area. What kind of weather is predicted for Houston in the coming days? 

Stormy weather with colder temperatures


A prairie food web is illustrated here. If all of the squirrels were removed from this food web, which animal population will most likely decrease first?



Students test the amount of water retained by different types of soil. Equal amounts of soil were added to four funnels with filters, then the same volume of water was poured through each soil sample. To determine the amount of water retained by each soil sample, what does the student need to do?

Subtract the volume of water collected from the volume poured in.


A student filled two containers with 50 mL of water and added 10 mg of sand to the first one and 10 mg of salt to the second. 

Which mixture is considered to be a true mixture?

Mixture 1


Students recorded the appearance of the Moon one day and then again a week later. What is the most reasonable prediction for the appearance of the Moon one week after that, on July 4?

Full Moon on July 4th


A student placed a stick in the ground and then recorded the position of its shadow at different times of the day as the sun moved across the sky. 

Which outline in the student’s recorded observations represents the position of the stick’s shadow at 8:00 p.m.?

Shadow C