Density and Forces
What happens to the charge of electrons that gains electrons?
a. The object acquires a negative charge. b. The object acquires a positive charge. c. The object acquires no charge. d. The charge of the object does not change.
What are the two ends of a magnet called?
a. atoms b. electrons c. poles d. fields
If you squeeze foam, you will increase its density. Why?
a. the volume becomes smaller b. the particles become more closely packed c. the ratio of weight to volume changes d. all of the above
A person stands on a sidewalk next to a stop sign. A car passes the person and the sign. To the person, the stop sign is an example of what?
a. acceleration b. velocity c. Newton's 1st law d. a frame of reference
A car traveling east changes its velocity from 50 km/h to 70 km/h in 2 minutes. The change in the car's velocity is its what?
a. acceleration b. direction c. position d. speed
A poor conductor of electricity and is used to coat wires.
a. a conductor b. an insulator c. a switch d. a transformer
What is an example of a permanent magnet?
a. a straightened paperclip b. a needle in a compass c. an iron nail that has been rubbed against a magnet d. an electromagnet made from a battery, a nail, and a piece of wire
How does placing a gas into a smaller container affect its density?
a. it increases the density b. it decreases the density c. the density of a substance never changes d. it depends on what kind of gas it is
Which of the following is a change in the position of an object?
a. acceleration b. motion c. speed d. velocity
What is the push or pull that acts on an object called?
a. force b. friction c. gravity d. inertia
What is an electrical force between non-moving charges called?
a. electric current b. electric circuit c. series circuit d. static electricity
What is the name of the area around a magnet in which a magnetic force can be observed?
a. a pole b. an atom c. iron filings d. a magnetic field
Sue rolls a ball on the ground, and it eventually comes to a stop. What force causes the ball to stop rolling?
a. friction b. inertia c. heat d. magnetism
If you are told that a car is traveling 70 kilometers per hour, you are being told information about the cars what?
a. acceleration b. direction c. speed d. velocity
What is Newton's first law?
a. two objects with mass will be attracted to each other b. an object in motion will eventually slow down and stop on its own c. an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless a force acts on it d. what goes up must come down
What is a continuous flow of an electic charge through a pathway called?
a. insulation b. magnetism c. electric current d. static electricity
Which of the following would you need to make an electromagnet?
a. copper wire b. glass tube c. rubber ball d. wooden rod
In which situation is gravity the MOST important force in operation?
a. the activity of Earth's ocean tide b. rubbing your hands to warm them c. pieces of paper sticking to a comb d. magnets on a refrigerator
Speed is the rate of change in _____________.
a. direction over time b. distance over time c. time over distance d. velocity over time
Can an object in motion ever change directions?
a. Yes, if another force works upon the object. b. No, the object will keep moving on the same path. c. Yes, the motion will change without force. d. No, objects can only move if they are pulled on.
What uses chemical reactions to create an electric current?
a. a battery b. an electric generator c. an electic motor d. an electromagnet
What makes a natural magnet different from an electromagnet?
a. electromagnets are stronger b. electromagnets are more expensive c. natural magnets have two poles and electromagnets only have one d. natural magnets always attract certain metals, whereas electromagnets can be turned on and off.
Why does a wedge increase the force of a hammer blow?
a. the wedge is made of stronger material than the hammer b. the wedge is stronger than the hammer c. the shape of the wedge focuses the force of the blow d. the wedge is longer than it is wide
Which of the following is an example of velocity?
a. 50 kilometers b. 50 kilometers per hour c. 50 kilometers per hour east d. 50 kilometers per hour per hour
Which of the following is NOT a simple machine?
a. weights b. a pulley c. a screw d. a hatchet