Unit 1: Scientific Investigation
Unit 2: Chemistry
Unit 3: Energy
Unit 4: Force & Motion
Units 5 & 6: Space & Earth
A graph that best shows parts of a whole.
What is a pie graph?
These are the three ways the Periodic Table is organized.
What are mass, density, and size?
Instead of throwing out old food, put it in a compost bin to reuse it as fertilizer.
What is one way that you can reduce food waste?
Speed = 6 miles/hr
What is the speed of an object that travelled 300 miles in 50 hours?
This can send astronauts to space and be used more than once.
What is a space shuttle?
The steps are: First, read the 100s beam, then the 10s, then the 1s beam. (Example: 200 g, 50 g, and 2.3 g would equal 252.3 grams.)
How do you read a triple beam balance?
Milk souring, a statue rusting, and vinegar and baking soda bubbling
What are examples of chemical changes?
These are the 7 types of energy.
What are Atomic/Nuclear, Chemical, Heat, Electrical, Light, Mechanical, and Sound?
These types of forces cause movement.
What is an unbalance force?
These are the two factors that determine how strong the gravitational attraction between two objects is.
What are mass and distance apart?
Purpose/Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion
What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
A precipitate.
What is a solid that forms from two liquids being mixed together?
This is why fossil fuels, like petroleum, are considered non-renewable resources of energy.
What is once it runs out, it is gone?
An example would be applying 500 N of force on a object and it doesn't move.
What is doing NO work?
These are the 5 physical layers of the Earth in order from outer most to inner most layer.
What is lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, and inner core?
triple beam balance and graduated cylinder
What are the tools you need to calculate density?
This is the difference between a compound and an element.
What is one contains more than one element (or capital letters), and one contains only one capital letter.
This is the season in which you would use the most electricity in Boston.
What is winter?
On these 2 types of graphs, the X-axis would be labeled "time".
What are speed and velocity graphs?
These are the top 3 elements that make up the Earth's crust.
What are Oxygen, Silicon, and Aluminum?
An "if...then" statement that is testable.
What is a hypothesis?
Density = 7.5 g/cm^3
What is the density of an object with a mass of 15 grams and a volume of 2 cubic centimeters?
The mechanical energy from your finger turning on the switch transforms into chemical energy that goes through the batteries, then transforms into electrical energy to go through the wires, and finally into light and heat energy as it goes into the light bulb.
What are the energy transformations that occur when turning on a flashlight?
On a distance vs. time graphs, this would indicate an object is standing still.
What is a straight, horizontal line?
These are 4 ways to test minerals and the tools used to test them.
What are hardness, color, luster, and streak? What is a nail/penny/glass plate/fingernail, eyes, eyes & light, and a porcelain or ceramic plate?