When a wide area of people are affected by a disease, possibly globally
97% of the world's water is this type
Salt water
What can do photosynthesis?
The theory that the lithosphere is broken up into sections
The theory of plate tectonics
What is an abiotic factor?
The non-living part of an environment
Needs a host cell to feed off of
This is the pH of water
These 3 things go into Photosynthesis
Sunlight water and C02
How are metamorphic rocks formed?
Pressure, heat and exposure
What percent of energy travels up the trophic pyramid?
Needs a host cell to reproduce and will kill healthy cells
The 5 steps of the water cycle
Precipitation, Collection/Runoff, Evaporation/Transporation, Condensation
What can do cellular respiration?
Animals and Plants
These cause earthquakes
Tectonic plates
The bottom of the food chain or web is always this
Plants or Producers
Athletes foot is a type of this
Where most of our freshwater is stored
Glaciers/Ice Caps
These things go into cellular respiration
Glucose and oxygen
What is the difference between rocks and minerals?
Rocks are made up of two or more minerals
Everything other than the bottom of the food chain or web is called these 2 names
Used Binary Fission to reproduce
The word for an underground storage of water
What type of energy does our body make?
The name of the supercontinent from millions of years ago
This is the reason we do not have dead animals and plants laying everywhere