A Person who studies the Stars and other bodies in space
Polaris is?
The north star
Why Did we first study the stars?
For navigation and to tell time
A constant stream of particles that flow into space from the sun
Solar Wind
He is a famous spy known as 007.
James Bond
A group of galaxies that are found close together.
What force holds our galaxy together?
Why are telescopes placed in high places?
What celestial body has a tail?
In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for?
World Wide Web
Clouds of dust and gas found in space.
Who proved that the universe is expanding and what year did they prove it?
Edwin Hubble in 1929
What kind of telescope is a refracting telescope?
a telescope which uses a converging lens to collect the light
Name the two major telescopes have have given us lots of information.
Hubble and James Webb
In bowling, three strikes in a row is called?
The pattern that a group of stars seems to make in the sky.
What are the 2 types of star clusters?
Open Cluster- Loose collections of young stars that will eventually disperse.
Globular Cluster- are tightly knit groupings of older stars.
Who is Nicolaus Copernicus?
a Polish astronomer, is most famous for proposing the heliocentric theory
The story of the constellations Ursa Major and Minor consists of?
A beautiful mother that makes a goddess jealous therefore turning her into a bear.
What is the tiny piece at the end of a shoelace called?
An Aglet
A body held together by gravity that is made of millions of stars, gas, and, dust
Describe the shape of each of the 4 different types of Galaxies.
Spiral- Pinwheel shaped
Elliptical- Round or Oval
Irregular- no regular shape
Barred Spiral- Pinwheel shaped with a bar of stars, dust & gas running across the center
What are two major advancements today that have had a major affect on the study of the stars?
Name all the planets in order.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
How long has Mr. Olsen been teaching at BCA
3 years