Cold uninhabbital biome
Transparent dome-shaped tissue that forms the front part of your eye.
The outer, visible part of the human ear. Its curves and folds are specially designed to gather sound from the environment and funnel it into our ears.
The Pinna
First Cell Phase
First level of the food chain
Hot and dry biome
Clear, watery fluid, contained in two chambers behind the cornea, that helps to bring nutrients to the eye tissues.
Aqueous Humor.
Filled with fluid, and “hair cells” that are extremely sensitive to vibration. The auditory nerve which carries signals to the brain.
The Cochlea
Second cell phase
Second level of the food chain
Grassy flat plains
Colored portion of your eye. It is made up of a fibrovascular tissue called the stroma. The stroma connects to a muscle that allows your pupils to contract and dilate.
They are similar to the cochlea in that they are bony canals which are filled with fluid and lined with hair cells. However, the hair cells in the are used for a different purpose from those in the cochlea. Instead of being turned into the sensation of sound, the signals from these hair cells are turned into information about movement and balance.
The Semicircular Canals
Third cell phase
Third level of the food chain
A lot of trees and greenery.
Conficious forest
Is a sensory membrane that covers the entire back surface of your eye. When your lens picks up images, these images are sent to there.
Is a thin, tightly-stretched membrane that separates the outer from the middle ear. Just like the membrane of an actual drum, it vibrates in response to the sounds that are funneled to it by the pinna and ear canal.
The Tympanic Membrane
Fourth cell phase
Fourth level of the food chain
Tertairy consumers
How many biomes are there
Commonly known as the whites of your eyes. This fibrous layer contains collagen and protects the inner components of your eye from damage.
The malleus, incus, and stapes are three tiny, remarkable bones.
The Ossicles
Fifth cell phase
How many levels of the food chain are there