Plants and Animals
Earth and Sun

A ball is thrown up into the air. Which force causes the ball to fall to the ground?

A friction

B gravity

C magnetism

D electricity

B gravity

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the Earth.


A student drops a button and a nickel, and they both fall to the floor. What causes both of these items to fall to the floor?

A magnetism

B electricity

C sound

D gravity

D gravity

Gravity is the force which pulls objects towards the Earth.


As kittens grow into cats, their body weight usually

A decreases

B increases

C remains the same

B increases

Living organisms usually grow, or get bigger. If they don't, they typically will have a hard time surviving.


About how long does it take for Earth to make one revolution around the Sun?

A one day

B one week

C one month

D one year

D one year

It takes the Earth one year to go around the sun. Going around the sun is called a revolution.


Hard, light-colored, and smooth are observations that describe a

A glass marble

B rain cloud

C cat's fur

D cotton ball

A glass marble

A glass marble is the only objects in this list that has all of these characteristics.


Which form of energy is produced when a guitar string vibrates?

A chemical

B light

C magnetic

D sound

D sound

Sounds are caused by vibrations. Our inner ears feel the vibrations and send an electrical impulse to the brain, which causes us the hear a sound.


Which factor will cause a decrease in the force of attraction between two magnets?

A increasing the size of the two magnets

B increasing the distance between the two magnets

C changing the color of the two magnets

D changing the texture of the two magnets

B increasing the distance between the two magnets

The farther apart two magnets are, the less you will feel them attracting or repelling each other. On the other hand, if they are close together, you will feel this force more strongly.


A fox grows thicker fur as a season changes. This adaptation helps the fox to

A find food

B keep warmer

C grow stronger

D escape from predators

B keep warmer

Thicken fur traps in heat. Foxes need to stay warm in a cold climate.


The Sun is classified as

A an organism

B a decomposer

C a star

D a planet

C a star

A star is a massive ball of hot gas in which nuclear reactions are constantly causing huge explosions.


Which statement best describes how energy can be harmful?

A Fire burns down a house.

B Electricity heats an oven.

C A lamp lights a house

D An alarm clock wakes up a sleeping person.

A Fire burns down a house.

Something that is harmful is something that is bad.


Which object will reflect the most light energy?

A black shirt

B pink flower

C shiny can

D dull rock

C shiny can

Bright, shiny, and light objects reflect more light; dark, dull, and rough objects absorb more light.


Magnets will attract

A objects made of iron or copper

B objects made of iron or paper

C objects made of iron or steel

D objects made of any metal

C objects made of iron or steel

Magnets only attract iron, and also steel, since steel contains iron.


A decomposer is an organism that

A hunts and eats animals

B migrates for the winter

C breaks down dead plants and animals

D uses water and sunlight to make food

C breaks down dead plants and animals

Some examples of decomposers are mushrooms, fungus, bacteria, etc. They suck out nutrients from dead plants and animals.


In New York State, the shortest period of daylight occurs during which month?

A December

B June

C March

D September

A December

December is in winter, the point of the year when it gets dark very early and stays dark well into the morning. In summer, by contrast, the days are much longer.


What is one way to change water from a liquid to a solid?

A decrease the temperature

B increase the temperature

C decrease the mass

D increase the mass

A decrease the temperature

Water changes to ice when it gets cold enough. Decreasing the temperature means the temperature is going down.


When a lightbulb is lit, electrical energy is changed into light energy and

A chemical energy

B magnetic energy

C heat energy

D mechanical energy

C heat energy

Lightbulbs are often quite hot, and give off heat, or thermal, energy.


Which type of energy is a person using to move a wheelchair up a ramp?

A heat

B light

C magnetic

D mechanical

D mechanical

Whenever something is moving, there is mechanical energy, which is also known as motion energy.


Which two activities are carried out by all species of living things?

A make food and eliminate waster

B hibernate and take in nutrients

C grow and reproduce

D migrate and seek shelter

C grow and reproduce

While some animals and plants do the things listed in the other responses, only C shows us two things that ALL organisms do.


Sleet and hail are forms of

A clouds

B energy

C evaporation

D precipitation

D precipitation

Precipitation is when water comes down from the clouds in the sky. This happens in the form of rain, snow, sleet, and hail.


In which example could a thermometer be used to show that heat energy is being transferred?

A A piano is played by striking the keys.

B A shovel is used to move dirt from one place to another.

C A ball is thrown into the air.

D  A stove is used to boil water in a pan.

D A stove is used to boil water in a pan.

A thermometer measures temperature, which measures the amount of heat energy something has.


The energy that all organisms need to survive comes from

A the air

B the Sun

C water

D grass

B the Sun

The sun makes it possible for plants to grow in a process known as photosynthesis. Some animals eat plants, and these animals are then eaten by other animals. This is known as a food chain.


Which force produces heat as the tires of a school bus rub against the road?

A electricity

B friction

C gravity

D magnetism

B friction

When two surfaces rub together, this is called friction. Friction also causes the two surfaces to increase in heat energy.


A baby elephant's truck is an example of

A a response to the environment

B an inherited trait

C coloration to attract mates

D a seasonal adaptation

B an inherited trait

An inherited trait is a physical feature or a behavior that a plant or animal is born with.


The movement of soil by wind or water is called

A condensation

B evaporation

C erosion

D friction

C erosion

Erosion happens when wind, rain, or moving water moves dirt and rocks from one place to another. It often happens slowly, but over time, makes huge changes to Earth's surface. For example, the Grand Canyon was formed over a long time period by erosion.


Three plants are hanging over a table. A student watered the plants and observed water on the top the table. The next day, the student noticed that there was no water on the table.

What process had occurred?

A condensation

B erosion

C evaporation

D precipitation

C evaporation

Evaporation is when liquid changes into gas. When a puddle dries on its own, it is because of evaporation. Try leaving a cup of water overnight. You will notice that the level of the water will decrease, or go down.