DNA and Cell Structures/ Organelles
Fossils and History of The Earth
Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Genetics and Heredity
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

True or false...

Animal cells contain a cell wall.

False, only plant cells do.


What are three examples of fossils? **Types**

Possible answers...

 Mineralization, Carbonization, Molds and Casts, Trace Fossils, and Original Material


Name four major threats to biodiversity in ecosystems.

Possible answers...

Climate change, invasive species, man-made eutrophication, and deforestation


What is heredity?

The biological inheritance passing on of traits.


Which color do chloroplasts have a hard time absorbing and end up reflecting?



What are the four bases of DNA and which ones go together?

Adenine goes with Thymine and Cytosine goes with Guanine.


What is radiometric dating?

(Long answer)
Radiometric dating is a technique used to determine the age of materials such as rocks and carbon fossils. Scientists observe certain unstable particles which change into different stable particles at a constant rate. The amount of time it takes for half of the material to stabilize is called a half-life.


What makes primary succession different from secondary succession?

In primary succession there was no soil to begin with as opposed to had there been soil to begin with.


If two parents are homozygous dominant what is the likelihood that their child is homozygous recessive?

Almost 0% or 0. It might occur due to a mutation however it is unlikely.


Do humans perform cellular respiration, if so how?

Humans if fact, do perform cellular respiration. They breathe in air and use that to break down their nutrients along with creating ATP to help perform that task. Then they excrete water and carbon dioxide as a result.


What is uracil?

Substitute for thymine in RNA, as opposed to in DNA where thymine remains.


What is an index fossil?

To be an index fossil, the organism from which the fossil formed must have lived during a relatively short geologic timespan. The fossils must be relatively common and must be found over a large area on Earth.


Name three ways runoff is bad for the environment.

Possible answers...

Runoff poisons fish that live in rivers and humans consume those fish which is bad for us, runoff also causes water pollution which harm the phytoplankton which give us oxygen, and runoff causes severe erosion.


If a parent that is heterozygous dominant and another parent that is heterozygous dominant have a child what is the likelihood that the child will have blue eyes?

**Brown eyes are dominant and blue eyes are recessive**

25% chance


What are the inputs of photosynthesis or outputs of cellular respiration?

Carbon dioxide and water


What shape is DNA?

A double helix


What are coprolites?

They are fossilized animal dung though disgusting, lots of considerately useful information could be get from studying them.


What is edge in terms of habitat fragmentation?

The pieces of an environment that have been split apart and broken apart into smaller areas. This is an extreme problem for biodiversity. 


What are alleles?

An allele is one of two or more versions of a gene. An individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. If the two alleles are the same, the individual is homozygous for that gene.


What are the three cellular respiration processes?

What are the two stages of the photosynthesis?

The krebs cycle, the electron transport train, and glycolysis for the three cellular respiration processes.

The two stages of photosynthesis are the light-dependent reactions and the Calvin cycle.


Which organelle is responsible for transporting lipids and mediating proteins. 

Hint! Only eukaryotes have this organelle and which means it is membrane bound.

Golgi Apparatus

What is the current period that we live in right now?

The quantery period


What is the purpose of a landbridge?

To combat habitat fragmentation or increasing forest edge. This bridge connects smaller areas of the ecosystem together which allows the animals to move from habitat to habitat without the danger of roads or cars.


How do you write heterozygous recessive?

Trick question; there is no such thing as heterozygous recessive.


What is the balanced equation for photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H20 + (energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2