What is an emergency?
When someone and something is in danger.
Whay does a bully do?
hurt people.
How many types of communication do we have?
what are the types of communications?
verbal and nonverbal communication.
What is hygiene?
What is grooming?
Name some things you can do to keep your body and things around you clean.
keeping your body and things clean.
caring for your body.
answer varies.
Mental health is
emotions are
how you think and what you know about yourself.
feeling and moods.
Name the types of emergencies.
fires, crime, car accident, someone passing out, someone bleeding, ect.
What are some forms of verbal communication?
talking, the radio, the television, etc.
What is a dentist?
What is a doctor?
What makes us sick?
Where are germs?
someone who cleans your teeth.
someone who helps you feel better when you sick.
What is your personality made of?
What does the word relationship mean?
thoughts, feeling, behavior.
how you get along with someone.
What happens if i call 911 and don't give them an address?
They won't know where to send the help.
What are you supposed to do when you get bully?
Tell someone you trust.
What are some forms of nonverval communication?
drawing, signs, sounds, ect.
How do germs spread?
What are cavities?
How often should I brush my teeth?
How often should i floss?
coughing, touching, sneezing.
hole in your teeth.
after every meal.
once a day.
Should we have control over our emotions?
What fruit of the spirit goes well with controlling our emotions and feelings?
Should we make a decision while being angry?
self control.
Who can we call when we in trouble?
How can we call on the name of Jesus?
If you see someone getting bully, what can you do?
Tell someone so they can help that person.
Where can you see a verbal communication?
What are some signs you see in the street?
on the street.
do not enter, stop, slow, traffic, ect.
What are head lice?
How can people get head lice?
What can you do to not get head lice?
bugs in your hair.
by sharing combs, brushes, hats, scarfs.
use your own things.
What should we do when things don't go our way?
Answer varies.
What information do you need to give the person when you call 911?
Why is this information important for them to know?
name, address, emergency.
so they can know how to help you.
Why do you have to tell someone if you get bully?
So the person can stop hurting you or other people.
What are some nonverbal communication?
siren, fire alarm, phone ringing, bell ringing, ect.
What happens if you don't keep your body and things clean?
answer varies.
Who is the best person to have a relationship with?
How can you build your relationship with God?
pray, talk to him, spend time with him.