Science stuff you need to know
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science stuff that maybe I don't know
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x 6

How much of the earth' s surface is covered with water?

a. 1/4     b.  2/4

c. 3/4        d. 3/8

c. 3/4



Which of the following planets is know as Earth's twin?

a  Mercury

b Venus

c Mars

d Jupiter

b. Venus


3 main gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere (x5)

a. oxygen, argon and nitrogen

b. nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide

c. oxygen, carbon dioxide, and farts

d. carbon dioxide, helium, and oxygen

a. oxygen, argon and nitrogen



Weathering and erosion are harming the land by

a. building up new land for new habitats

b. breaking down land so new buildings can be built

c. breaking down and carrying away soil

d. forming new lakes

c.  breaking down and carrying away soil


grass....bird .....snake.....hawk.....Iann


which is the primary consumer



Darnell jumps from a plane.  Gravity is pulling him down.  A strong gust of wind pushes against Darnell from the right.  Which of the following happens? x7

a) the wind did not affect Darnell and he continues to fall straight down.

b) Darnell continues to fall down but the wind pushes him to the left

c) Darnell continues to fall down but the wind pushes him to the right

b) Darnell continues to fall down but the wind pushes him to the left



What is a mixture?

a. salt water

b. petroleum jelly

c. water

d. bong water

a. salt water



What occurs at the boiling point of a substance?

a. the substance changes from a gas to a solid

b. the substance changes from a liquid to a solid

c. the substance changes from a solid to a liquid

d.  the substaqnce changes from a liquid to a gas

d . a substance changes from a liquid from a gas


x 4

When light shines through a prism it bends.  This is also know as 

a. reflection

b. refraction

c. absorption

d. shadow

b. refraction


What does the hygrometer measure?

a. wind speed

b. humidity, moisture in the air

c. amount of rain

d. wind direction

b. humidity, moisture in the air



Salt water dissolves quicker in cold water by 

a. pouring

b. stirring

c. letting it sit still

d. adding a little at a time

b. stirring


 Over several years, a new sand bar has formed right off the coast of Miami.  What is this know as? x6

a. deposition because the waves carries sand from the beach and deposits it into the water

b. deposition because the waves wash all the sand off the beach

c. wind erosion , because the sand is moving from the beach to the water



Which of the following animals changes its color during the winter to help protect it in its surroundings (x4)

a rabbit

b. arctic fox

c. Dwayne

d. reindeer

b. arctic fox


x 6

A tomato is considered a fruit because it is produced from a flower and contains seeds.  Tomatoes are produced by 

a. spore reproduction

b.sexual reproduction

c. asexual reproduction

d. decomposing reproduction

a. sexual reproduction / seeds



Of what are pure gold and pure copper examples:

a. compounds

b. elements

c. mixtures

d. solution

b. elements. Periodic table



Which will best increase the solubility of a tablespoon of sugar poured into a cup of water?

a. heating the mixture

b. stirring the mixture slowly 

c.  cooling the mixture

d. adding more water to the mixture

a. heating the mixture 



If the Earth revolves around the sun for 4 yrs, how many times does the moon revolve around the Earth? Oh No! Math!!!

a. 12      b. 24        c. 36          d. 48



Which would be an example of chemical potential energy: (x3)

a. a spring compressed

b. a ball rolling down a hill

c. a child sitting at the top of a slide

d. powder on the tip of a match

d. powder on the tip of a match


Marijuana plant budding is known as (x6) 

a . sexual reproduction

b. asexual reproduction

c. both sexual and asexual reproduction

d. seeds

b. asexual reproduction



Water from the oceans pounds against a rock for hundreds of years.  Eventually a hole forms in the rock.  This is known as 

a. erosion

b. weathering

c. deposition

d. construction

a.  weathering


x 7

What is evaporation?

a . gas turns to liquid

b. solid turns to liquid

c. liquid turns to gas

d. water turns to ice

c. liquid turns to gas



A single strawberry plant can produce long stems called runners. When runners reach open ground, they can grow roots and develop into a new strawberry plant. This is an example of 

a. sexual reproduction

b. respiration

c. asexual reproduction

d.  seed production

c.  asexual reproduction



Jim Bob has a beaker with a mixture of salt and water.  He would like to recover the salt from the water.  Which would be the best method to accomplish this?

a. evaporation                  b.  filtration

c. freezing                    d.  refraction

a. evaporation



What type of substance is water?

a. compound

b. element

c. tasty

d. solution

a. compound


The Earth is mostly covered by oceans.  Oceans are found in the   

a. hydrosphere

b lithosphere

c. atmosphere

d. troposphere

a. hydrosphere


What is the deepest part of the earth (x7)

a. mantle

b. my closet

c. inner core

d crust

c. inner core


A spider plant reproduces when buds form on runners from the parent plant.  This is known as

a. runner reproduction

b. sexual reproduction

c. asexual reproduction

d. multicellular reproduction

c. asexual reproduction


James placed a black car, white car, silver car, and blue car under a hot Florida sun with a thermometer in each one.  Which one of the cars will be the coolest? 

a. black car, because it absorbs the heat

b. blue car, because it wasn't under direct light

c. white car because it would reflect light

d. silver car, because it is shiny

c. white car, because it would reflect light



Frozen orange juice is place in a bowl.  After a few minutes it begins to melt.  What type of change has occurred?

 a. chemical

b. melting

c. physical

d. mixture

c. physical


Madison lights a candle and watches it burn.  She observes that some wax melts, some smoke comes from the wick, the wick burns, and then the melted was hardens again.

Which represent a chemical change? 

a.  Some wax melts, and smoke comes from the wick.

b. Some wax melts, and later melted wax hardens again.

c. The wick burns, and smoke comes from the wick.

d. Smoke comes from the wick, and later melted wax hardens again.

c.  The wick burns, and smoke comes from the wick.



Which of the following is a physical reaction?

a. lighting a match               b.rusting metal

c. baking a cake                 d.making sugar water

a. making sugar water


Which is an example of a chemical change?

a. melting ice

b. dissolving salt in water

c. hammering metal into a thin sheet of foil

d. burning a piece of paper

d.  burning a piece of paper 


Where would you find icebergs?

a. hydrosphere

b. mesosphere

c. lithosphere

d. Jacksonville

a. hydrosphere


Oxygen and water chemically combine to make hydrogen peroxide.  Hydrogen peroxide is known as 

a. an element

b. a molecule

c. a compound

d. a rock

c. a compound


Birds use their beaks adapt to the environment by 

a) being able to protect themselves from predators

b. being able to use their beaks to consume food

c. it helps them to build their nest

b.  being able to use their beaks to consume food


The temperature is 25 degrees F. ... What type of weather would you expect

a. rain

b. snow

c. cloudy

d. clear

b. snow


You are running a race.  Which system of the body helps you move?

a. skeletal

b. muscular

c. digestive

d. My BMW

b. muscular


Two rock samples are placed in water.  Sample A floats, but sample B sinks to the bottom.  

Which statement describes the 2 samples of rock 

a. sample B has more mass

b. sample A has less volume

c. sample B has a greater density

d. sample A has a higher freezing point.

c . sample B has a greater density


Which list correctly identifies the elements that make up a water molecule?

a.  oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen

b. oxygen, hydrogen, carbon

c. oxygen, hydrogen, oxygen

d. hydrogen, oxygen, hydrogen

d.  hydrogen, oxygen, hydrogen


Which term defines a mixture in which one substance dissolves in another?

a. element

b. mixture

c. molecule

d. solution

d. solution


Which layer of the atmosphere is closest to the earth?

a. atmosphere

b. troposphere

c. stratosphere

d. moist layer

b.  troposphere


The environmental protection agency wanted to start using an alternative fuel to cut down on pollution.  Which fuel would they chose? It is in gasoline.

a. ethanol

b. fossil fuels

c. crude oil

d. coal

a .  ethanol


Trent wanted to look at pond water to see what organisms he could find.  Which of the following tools would he use?

a.  balance           b.  graduate cylinder

c. microscope         d. magnifying glass

c.  microscope


if you have objects (in grams) on one end of the balance , what could you add to the other end to make the objects equal 

a. liter weights

b. pound weights

c. gram weights

d. meter weights

c. gram weights


grass.... mice....snake...hawk...Chik-fil-A

What would happen if the mice were removed from the food 

a) The grass would increase and the hawk would decrease

b. The snakes would increase and the hawks would decrease

c. The grass would increase and the snakes would decrease

d.  The Hawks would increase and the grass would decrease



Sam needs to choose a material to make a lightweight cooking pot.  Which properties should he consider 

a. texture and melting point

b. density and melting point

c. weight and freezing point

b.  density and melting point


When 2 oxygen atoms bond chemically with 2 hydrogen atoms, hydrogen peroxide if formed.  Which phase defines this substance?

a. an element

b. a molecule

c. a compound

d. a mixture

c. a compound


In which situation is a chemical reaction not taking place

a. salt dissolving in water

b. rusting of an old car in a junk yard

c. burning gasoline in a car

d. digestion of food in our body

a. salt dissolving in water


Which layer do we live on?

a. Clermont

b. mantle

c. outer core

d. crust

d crust


Isaiah wanted to blow up a balloon using a gas that would make the balloon float.  What type of gas did he use?

a) oxygen

b. hydrogen

c. methane

d. helium

d. helium


Erosion destroys the earth by wind and water.  what is the quickest way that destruction could happen to the Earth?

a. volcano

b. earthquake

c. landslide

d. flood

b. earthquake


You moved a goldfish bowl , a book and a flower vase from the floor to the 3rd shelf.  What type of potential energy does each object have?

a. elastic potential

b. gravitational potential

c. chemical potential

d) kinetic potential

b. gravitational potential



What is missing?

a. snake

b. mouse

c. hawk

d. flower

b. mouse


The sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west on  Earth.  Why does the sun appear to rise and set in this pattern? 

A). earth has a counterclockwise rotation

B). Earth revolves around the sun in a counterclockwise motion

a. earth has a counterclockwise rotation


Which is the best example of a chemical change?

a. fireworks exploding

b. cutting paper

c. crushing a can

d. melting snow

a. fireworks exploding


Which of the methods listed is not a method used for separating mixtures?

a.  sifting           b.  flotation

c.  filtration          d. dissolving

d. dissolving


Which of the following planets are located directly before and after Earth?

a. Mercury and Mars

b. Venus and Saturn

c. Venus and Mars

d. Mercury and Neptune

c. Venus and Mars


x 6

Which of the following are gases?

a) copper, oxygen, nitrogen

b. ice, hydrogen, carbon

c. water vapor, aluminum, carbon dioxide

d. water vapor, carbon dioxide, oxygen

d. water vapor, carbon dioxide, and oxygen


A jelly fish is known to clone itself.  It does this by growing buds on its tentacles.  What type of reproduction is this.....

a. asexual

b. sexual

c.  seed

d. fish

a. asexual



Which is the secondary consumer



Haley tosses a spring in the air.  What type of energy does the spring have?  

a. elastic and chemical

b. chemical and gravitational

c. gravitational and elastic

d. gravitational and physical

c elastic and gravitational


Which adaptation helps the scarlet king snake survive in its environment? 

A. It reproduces between 4 and 20 eggs.

B. It usually grows to between 2 and 4 feet long.

C. It can live in deserts, wetlands, and grasslands.

D. It looks like the poisonous coral snake to confuse predators.

D. It looks like the poisonous coral snake to confuse predators.


As water evaporates, which best explains the change that is occuring?

a. a gas changes to a liquid

b. a gas changes to a solid

c. a liquid changes to a gas

d. A liquid changes to a solid

c. a liquid changes to a gas


Which material is a pure element?

a. alcohol

b. copper

c. salt

d. water

b. copper