What is a Society?
A group of animals of the same species living and working together in an organized way.
What is Dominance?
Dominance is a power and influence over others.
What is Homeoatatis?
The ability to maintain a relatively stable internal state that persists despite changes in the world outside.
What is Behavior?
Behavior is the way that an organism reacts to other organisms or its environment.
What do birds do to find/attract a mate?
Build a colorful nest, use a mating song, and bring a gift such as fish to the mate.
Is there more male or female led societys?
What is Submission?
Submission is the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person.
What is another way to describe Homeostasis?
The process of an organism maintaining a stabling environment.
What is Stimulus?
Anything internal or external that causes change in behavior.
What kind of monkey is the leader of a society?
the oldest male monkey.
Dominance also means...
A higher social status relative to other animals in the societys.
What are the 3 important things about homeostasis?
The receptor, control center, and effector.
What is Courtship?
A specialized behavior that is meant to help animals find/attract a mate
Rabies(Sickness), Hunger, and thirst.
While there are some female led societies majority of the leaders are...
The oldest male monkey, The most physical fit, and the most aggressive.
Submission also means..
A lower social status relative to other animals in the societys.
When was the theory of homeostasis first introduced?
What are Pheromones?
Pheromones are a chemical released by an animal that influences the behavior of other animals of the same species.
What do birds do when it's cold?
Birds will fluff their feathers in the cold climates and will create an air pocket of heat to make itself warm.
Social Status can be determined in several different ways such as...
Gender, Size, Age, and Reproductive Success.
Can an animal be born domain or submissive?
The body maintains homeostasis by controlling a host of variables ranging from?...
body temperature, blood pH, blood glucose levels to fluid balance, sodium, potassium and calcium ion concentrations.
What are innate animal behaviors?
Behaviors inherited from birth.
Animals with short lifespans often...
Survive off of mostly innate behaviors.