The formula for photosynthesis
CO2 + H2O —> C6H12O6 + O2
---------- is known as the universal solvent
The unit for force is ......
He produced this famous equation which is used to find energy. Who is he?
Albert Einstein
Scientist who studies Animals is a?
Which organisms have the most available energy in a food pyramid?
There are this number of elements on the periodic table of the elements.
This type of energy describes motion
Kinetic energy
He created these 3 laws of motion. Who is he?
Isaac Newton
The terms condensation, conduction, convection, and radiation fit under which branch of science?
Physical Science
A biomolecule that serves as a fast source of energy?
What term refers to anything that occupies space, physical and chemical properties and exists in gas, liquid or solid form
The attractive force that acts on all objects everywhere all the time
He developed this device that provides light by passing an electric current through filament. Who is he?
Thomas Edison
The term water cycle fits under what branch of science?
Earth Science
The three organelles found in a plant cell but not an animal cell
cell wall, large central vacuole, and chloroplast
The atomic number tells us this.
number of protons
The force that would be less if you were on the moon. What is it?
In 1676, this scientist was the first ever to observe bacteria. Also known as father of the microscope. Who is he?
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Scientist who studies Rocks is a ?
The process by which water moves through the cell membrane to balance out a high concentration of solutes.
The head of a surfactant molecule is ---------, meaning water loving
This type of nuclear reaction fuels our sun
Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician who discovered Jupiter's 4 largest moons. Who is he?
Galeleo Galilei
Study of those minuscule living organisms visible only under a microscope such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae etc.