Periodic Table
Phase Changes
Chemical Properties

What is the Periodic Table?

The periodic table is a chart that organized all the known elements by their properties and their atomic numbers.


What are the three main phase changes?

Freezing, melting, and sublimation. 


What is considered a "tiny factor"

A Cell


Name a type of secondary Battery

Lead Acid Battery,Lithium Battery, Nickel Cadmium Battery.


Does all elements have the same chemical properties?

No, all elements have different chemical properties. 

What information is typically shown for an element ton the Periodic Table?

Symbols, atomic number which tells you the number of protons, and atomic number.


What is the difference between freezing, and melting?

Freezing goes (liquid to solid), and melting goes (solid to liquid) they are opposed from each other.


What covers the out side of the cell?

Cell Wall


Do all Batteries use the same voltage? 



Does most matter will respond in some way to another bit of matter?

Yes most of matter will likely respond with a chemical reaction when you combined with another matter.


What do the rows(periods) and (groups) represent on the periodic table.

The horizontal columns(periods) shows element with an increasing number of electrons shells/ Vertical columns(group) shows elements that have similar chemical properties.


What do we called the change form (liquid to solid) and the change form (solid to liquid.)

Sublimation, and melting?


What is the plasma membrane called?

Cell Membrane 


What Batteries can leak caustic potassium and hydroxide ?

Alkaline Batteries


Do chemical properties can help separate, and organized elements in the periodic table 

Yes it can help organized elements that have similar chemical properties.


How can periodic table help predict properties of an a new element, like their reactivity, or atomic sized?

Elements can be more electromagnetic from left to right, and their atomic radius generally decreases, this can help determine new element properties.


A substance has a melting point of 0 degrees, and a boiling point of 100 degrees. Having this in mind, if you apply 50 degrees to substance what phase would the substance will more be likely to be?

Liquid phase.


What structures in Alkaline cells make liquids?

Eukaryotic Cells


What do Primary Batteries and secondary have in common?

They both are used in a daily Bases


If a substance react with acid, and produces bubbles. What does this tells you about its chemical properties? 

Shows that the substance is reactive with acid.


Why do element in the same group often have similar chemical behaviors?

Elements in the same group have the same number of electrons in their outer shell(balanced electrons.) This similar electrons arrangement mans thy tent to react in similar ways, leading to similar chemical properties.


What is the temperature needed in order to Deposition( going from a gaseous form to a solid form) to happen?

-273 degrees.


What is one of the most important structures of the  cell, as it is called the main barrier?

Plasma or the cell membrane 

Another type of secondary battery is called what? 

 rechargeable batteries.


A shiny metal is placed in water, and after a few minutes, bubbles start to form around it. Later The metal disappeared, and a new substance was formed. Based on the observation, what chemical properties of the metal is being demonstrated? 

Metal is reactive with water.