Shone a light through a prism, showing that white light is a mixture of different colours of light
Sir issac newton
This type of lens type makes light diverge.
Concave lens
What is the corneas main purpose
To protect the eye and give its its shape
What does transparent mean
The light tarvels in a stright line can you can clearly see everything through the object.
-used to view small objects
-uses 2 lenses; eyepiece and objective lens
-well light shines through the specimen a larger image is produced
Claudius Ptolemy
Described how light bends when it goes from air to glass
this lens makes light converge
convex lens
Opens up or cloese to let in more light or less light and it is teh coloured part of the eye
passes through and can change direction or scatter
-semi-transparent we can see through but not clearly
-lighter shadows
Optical device
any technology that uses light (mirror, solar panel, etc)
Thought light consisted of beams, which came from a person’s eyes. Thought the sense of sight occurred when the beams touched the object a person was looking at
image will appear larger and upsidedown
concave mirror
collects the light and translate it into signals for the optic nevre
-light is reflected or absorbed
-we cannot see through them
-dark shadows
-used for viewing objects in the distance
-more convenient but less powerful than a telescope
-2 short refracting telescopes joined together
First to accurately describe how vision works
Showed light bounces off objects and then travels to the eye
Image becomes smaller and further away
Convex mirror
What is the ciliary mussles
The mussles surrounding the lens that strech and compress to focus the light into the lens
A mirror is a example of:
a opaque object
Reflecting telescopes
-uses a large circular mirror that gathers light and directs it to another mirror which then travels to an eyepiece
Discovered when a beam of light is shone on a flat mirror, angle between the incoming beam and mirror is equal to angle between reflected beam and mirror Suggested light travels in straight lines
what type of lens would you need to cure far sightedness
Convex lenses
What do the cone cells and the rod cells
The cone cells detect brighter levels of lights and can detect red green and blue and the rod cells can see gray white and black and can detec basic shapes.
What is Gabe's mum's name
provides enlarged images of distant objects by using lenses and/or mirrors to collect light
-usually used to collect light from space
-two types of telescopes called a reflecting telescope and a refracting telescope