Force and Motion
Resources and Earth

Jose is a mechanic at an automobile repair shop. He spilled a can of oil on the concrete floor. The spilled oil will reduce which force?

  • Friction
  • Gravity
  • Centripetal
  • Magnetism
  • Friction

A circuit that is complete and connected is 

On or off



Bonus 500 Points! 

These are renewable resources.

What is Wind, Solar Energy, & Water 


Which animals are most likely to carry the seeds found in berries from the parent plant to another area?

a.   Bees

b.   Birds

c.   Flies

d.   Caterpillars

b.   Birds


Bonus 500 Points!

As you look outside your window, you notice that the moon is full.  How long will it be before you see another full moon?

Two weeks

A month

Two months

A year

A month


An object moving along a surface suddenly increases speed. What can cause this to happen?

  • It is moved by balanced forces.
  • It is moved by two opposite forces.
  • It is moved by an unbalanced force.
  • It moves on its own.
  • It is moved by an unbalanced force.

A student plans to make this light bulb glow. All of the following objects can be used to complete the circuit EXCEPT:

  • A copper penny
  • A plastic comb
  • A metal clip
  • An iron nail
  • A plastic comb

Bonus 500 Points!

  • Name two nonrenewable resources.






A student wants to put some plants in a window-box planter. The window selected for the plants is always shaded by a large tree outside the window. 

Which characteristic of the plants would most likely affect the plants’ growth in this location?

  • Leaf shape
  • Light requirement
  • Plant price
  • Flower color
  • Light requirement

Planets share common characteristics, including having mass and rotating on an axis.  Which of the following is also a characteristic of planets?

Is a satellite of other planets

Has a rocky surface

Made mostly of gas

Revolves around a star

Revolves around a star


A ball is sitting loose on a flat wagon that is going forward. If the wagon suddenly stops, the ball will

  • Also suddenly stop
  • Roll forward in the wagon
  • Roll backward in the wagon
  • Bounce up and down
  • Roll forward in the wagon

What two forms of energy does the fire from a burning candle release?

  • Light and thermal
  • Sound and mechanical
  • Magnetic and light
  • Electrical and thermal
  • Light and thermal

A renewable energy resource will not run out. Which is an example of the use of a renewable resource?

Coal furnace heating a home

Windmill pumping water on a farm

Oil lamp lighting a room

Diesel truck traveling along a road

Windmill pumping water on a farm


Which of the following best explains how stems transport water to other parts of the plant?

  • Through a chemical called chlorophyll
  • By using photosynthesis
  • Through a system of tubes
  • By converting water to food


  • Through a system of tubes

For a school project, you must build a model to represent the Sun and Earth.  Which of the following materials would correctly show the size difference between the Sun and Earth?

A bead and a beach ball

Two baseballs

A tennis ball and a bead

A bowling ball and a basketball

A bead and a beach ball


Susan designed an experiment to determine the speed of a toy car. She released the car from the top of a ramp. She already had a stopwatch. Which other tool should she use to measure the car’s speed?

a.   Balance

b.   Inclined plane

c.   Spring scale

d.   Meter stick

d.   Meter stick


A metal spoon was left in a pot of boiling soup. The cook burned a finger by touching the spoon. Why did the finger get burned?

a. The metal spoon chemically reacted with the cook’s hand.

b. The metal spoon conducted electricity to the cook’s hand.

c. The metal spoon conducted heat to the cook’s hand.

d. The metal spoon insulated the cook’s hand.

c. The metal spoon conducted heat to the cook’s hand.


Which of the following is best classified as a nonrenewable resource found in Florida?

  • Phosphate
  • Aluminum
  • Sunlight
  • Water



Which characteristic is true ONLY of mammals?

  • They look like their parents.
  • They live on land.
  • They nurse their young.
  • They have backbones.

They nurse their young.


Pollux is a star that gives off more light than Sirius.  However, we cannot see Pollux in the night sky, only Sirius.  Which of the following would best explain why Sirius can be seen, but Pollux cannot?

Sirius is a smaller star than Pollux.

Sirius is closer to Earth than Pollux.

Sirius is larger than Pollux.

Sirius is a different color than Pollux.

Sirius is closer to Earth than Pollux.

  • Two people are each pulling on the opposite ends of a rope. If they are pulling on the rope with equal but opposite forces, which of the following could happen to the rope?
  • It will stay in place between the two people.
  • It will move toward the right.
  • It will move toward the left.
  • It will fall to the ground.
  • It will stay in place between the two people.
  • A beam of white light shines on an object that appears to be bright red. What happened to the other colors of the white light?

a. The red light bent, while the other colors were absorbed.

b.The red light reflected, while the other colors were absorbed.

c. The red light bent, while the other colors were reflected.

d. The red light reflected, while the other colors were bent.

b.The red light reflected, while the other colors were absorbed.


Fossil fuels formed over a long period of time because heat and pressure were applied to

a.   Carbon filtered through limestone

b.   Plants and animals buried in the ground

c.   Bacteria on top of the mud

d.   Nitrogen mixed in the water

b.   Plants and animals buried in the ground


Rats, crabs and spiders are organisms that have some similar structures.

Which of the following structures is NOT found in all three of these organisms?

  • Bones/spine
  • Eyes
  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Bones/spine

The following table lists information about a planet.

Time it takes to revolve around the sun: 2 years

Color: Red

Number of moons: 2

Diameter: 6,794 km

Based on this information, which two characteristics would indicate that this is a rocky, inner planet?

Color and time it takes to revolve

Number of moons and time it takes to revolve

Diameter and time it takes to revolve

Color and number of moons

Diameter and time it takes to revolve