Trees and Forests
Evidence and Investigation
Air and Aerodynamics
Sky Science
Identify the names of the four levels of forest.
What is upper canopy, understory, underbrush and forest floor?
This is the law of flight.
What is objects go from high pressure to low pressure?
This is the main difference between observations and inferences.
What is information you gather through your senses (see, smell, touch, taste, hear) and inferences are conclusions about something on what you think based on those observations?
These are the five properties of air.
What is... - takes up space - has volume - has weight - has mass - has pressure?
The Maria, Craters and Mountains are words used to describe what is on this.
What is Earth's moon. Maria are lunar basins or seas. Craters are impressions on the moon's surface. Mountains are mountains on the moon.
Describe the process of photosynthesis.
What is plants convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and nutrients (sugars) for the plants to use?
These are the four forces in flight.
What is lift, gravity, drag and thrust? Lift - upward force Gravity - downward force Drag - backwards force Thrust - forward force
List five types of common evidence.
What is... - fingerprints, materials and fibers, tire tracks, animal tracks, foot prints, shoe prints, soil samples, hand writing samples, witness identification?
Give each percentage of the gases: nitrogen, oxygen, argon and other traces in air.
What is... - 79% nitrogen - 21% oxygen - 1% argon - Less than 1% other traces of gases?
This is the order of the planets from the Sun out.
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto? The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars (the rocky planets). The out planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (the gas planets). They are separated by the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Describe the difference between abiotic and biotic and give an example of each.
What is abiotic are non-living parts of the environment (soil, air, water, sunlight, temperature, wind) and biotic are the living parts of the environment (plants, animals and micro-organisms).
This is what Newton's Third Law is.
What is if there is a force in one direction, there is an equal force in the opposite direction?
List the four types of fingerprints.
What are arch, whorl, loop and composite? Arch - fingerprint goes from one side of the finger to the other. Whorl - central circle with ridges circling around it (not from side to side) Loop - begins at one side of the finger and loops around and the ridge ends at the same side of the finger it began at Composite - combination or any of the above three.
Describe what Bernoulli's Principle states.
What is that faster flowing fluids (gases and liquids) have lower pressure than slower flowing fluids?
Day and night occur on Earth of this reason.
What is because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. It's rotation takes 24 hours and rotates counterclockwise from West to East?
List the four ways we can classify leaves.
What is leaf shape, margins, arrangement and leaf type?
This is the Rudder and the Yaw on a plane.
What is... - The Rudder is the flap on the tail of a plane that turns the plane laterally left or right and controls the yaw - The Yaw is when the plane turns left or right; movement is lateral?
Describe the differences about what shoe prints would look like if you were running and if you were walking.
What is Running - large space between prints, deeper prints, outline may not be clear, line of the prints are straighter? Walking - smaller space between prints, shallower prints, outline clearer, less of a straight line, more parallel?
This is the definition of aerodynamics and what objects tend to look like that are aerodynamic.
What is the study of air and how it moves around objects? You can study how air moves around the object in a wind tunnel. Objects that are aerodynamic tend to be rounder (curved) and lighter.
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are famous ________ that have been sent out to study _____________.
What is probes and our planets?
Name three differences between coniferous and deciduous trees and an example of each tree.
What is - loss of leaves (deciduous lose theirs) - deciduous produces fruit or flowers and coniferous is cone bearing - broad leaves for deciduous and needles for coniferous - Deciduous: Elm, maple, birch, apple, etc. - Coniferous: spruce, jackpine, lodgepine, etc.
These forces are opposite of each other. Explain what happens greater force with each pair.
What is... - Lift and gravity: lift is greater, plane goes up; if gravity is greater, plan goes down - Thrust and drag: thrust is greater, plane will speed up; drag is greater, plane will slow down?
This is what chromatography is and the difference between permanent inks and non-permanent inks.
What is Chormatography: to compare same of ink by separating them into the colours that they are made up of? Permanent inks - will not separate in water (insoluble in water)? Non-permanent inks - will separate in water (soluble in water)?
Describe how hot air balloons work using what you know about air.
What is they work because hot air rises? Blowing hot air into the envelope of the balloon makes the air in the balloon less dense. Once the air in the balloon is less dense than the outsider air, the balloon will rise (it is more buoyant). Hot air balloons use the blower to create lift and the air currents to create thrust. Air balloons are controlled by the slits in the envelope - opening the slits causes the balloon to descend.
Describe what a telescope, The Hubble and satellite are used for.
What is - Telescopes are used to view space from Earth. - The Hubble telescope sends back pictures from outer space. - A satellite is something that orbits another object in space.