Force and Motion
Force and Motion
Nature of Science
Nature of Science
Rocks and Minerals
Ruben slides a book across the floor. Eventually, the book will stop moving because of what force?
What is Friction. (Friction is a force that opposes motion between two objects that are in contact.) Not gravity, because gravity is a force that pulls objects toward earth.
The jet engines of a moving plane exert a force to make the plane travel forward. What increases if the engines exert a greater force?
What is Speed
Dora thinks that there are more frogs in the pond by her house when the water temperature is higher. She is making a chart to use as she gathers data to see whether she is correct. What data should Dora record on her chart? a. time, air temperature, water temperature b. date, time, air temperature, number of frogs c. date, time, water temperature, number of frogs d. date, air temperature, wind speed, number of frogs
Answer A is incorrect because it does not include the number of frogs. Answer B is incorrect because it does not include the water temperature. Answer C is correct because all of the information she needs to decide if there are more frogs when the temperature is higher is included in this answer. Answer D is incorrect because it does not include the water temperature.
Caleb and Anika each conduct an experiment in which they investigate whether the amount of dishwashing liquid affects how many bubbles produced. They put different amounts of dishwashing liquid in two equal-sized jars. They put lids on the jars and shake them. Then they measure the height of the bubbles. Which of the following methods would affect their results? a. Caleb took more time to set up his experiment than Anika. b. Anika shook the liquid in the jar for twice the amount of time. c. Anika used a jar with a metal lid and Caleb used a plastic lid. d. Caleb used a metric ruler and Anika used a metric tape measure.
Answer A is incorrect because the amount of time it takes to set up the experiment is not relevant. Answer B is correct because the amount of time spent shaking the jar is a variable in the outcome of the experiment. It is one factor that can change the results of the experiment. Answer C is incorrect because the type of lid used on the jar is not important to the experiment. Answer D is incorrect because both Anika and Caleb used the same units of measure.
Kenji is writing some observations of different samples in his mineral collection. Which of the following terms can be used to describe luster? a. earthy and coarse b. glassy and metallic c. grainy and rough d. metallic and smooth
Answer A is incorrect because earthy and course describes texture. Answer B is correct because glassy and metallic describe luster. Luster describes how a mineral reflects light. Answer C is incorrect because grainy and rough describe cleavage and texture. Answer D is incorrect because smooth describes texture.
Alex drops a box of pins on the floor and the pins scatter. His mother hands him an object that attracts the pins so Alex can pick them up more easily. What force MOST likely causes the pins to stick to the object?
What is Magnetic Force (Magnetic force causes an attraction such as this between objects.
Anita is bicycling on a flat, straight road. She changes gears, so she needs to use more force. Which of the following best describes the effect of the applied force on the pedals? a. The greater the force applied, the slower the bicycle travels. b. The greater the force applied, the greater the effect of friction on the bicycle’s speed. c. The greater the force applied, the greater the change in the bicycle’s motion. d. The greater the force applied, the less effect that mass has on the bicycle’s motion.
Answer A is incorrect because, for a given mass, a greater force will change the speed more. Answer B is incorrect because increasing the applied force on the pedals does not change the amount of friction on the bicycle wheels. Answer C is correct because the mass of Anita and her bicycle is not changing. Answer D is incorrect because increasing the force does not change the amount of mass.
When a scientist performed an experiment, she did not get the results she expected. What should she do? a. change the results b. assume her results are correct c. assume her results are incorrect d. do the experiment again to test her results
Answer A is incorrect because results should never be changed. Answer B is incorrect because results need to be backed with proof, not assumption. Answer C is incorrect because results need to be backed with proof, not assumption. Answer D is correct because repeating the experiment is the best way to test results.
Rodrigo is investigating how sunlight affects the growth of plants. He gets two identical plants and labels them Plant 1 and Plant 2. He puts Plant 1 on a sunny windowsill. He puts Plant 2 in a dark closet. After one week, he compares the two plants and draw the picture below. Which science skill does Rodrigo use? a. drawing conclusions b. inferring c. observing d. Predicting
Answer A is incorrect because Rodrigo is stating a fact that he has noticed, not analyzing what has occurred. Answer B is incorrect because Rodrigo is not drawing a logical conclusion based on facts; he is just stating an observation. Answer C is correct because Rodrigo is looking at the plants and stating what he sees. He is making an observation. Answer D is incorrect because Rodrigo is not stating an assumption that he will try to prove later in the experiment.
Jonas uses a copper penny and a steel nail to test the hardness of some minerals. He cannot scratch quartz with the steel nail. He can scratch calcite with the copper penny. He can scratch an unknown mineral with the penny but not with the nail. Jonas knows that the unknown mineral is not calcite or quartz. What can Jonas say about the unknown mineral? a. It is softer than both calcite and quartz. b. It is harder than both calcite and quartz. c. It is softer than calcite, but harder than quartz. d. It is harder than calcite, but softer than quartz.
Answer A is incorrect because the unknown mineral is not softer than quartz. Answer B is incorrect because the unknown mineral is not harder than calcite. Answer C is incorrect because the unknown mineral is not softer than calcite. Answer D is correct because the unknown mineral is harder than calcite and softer than quartz. It can be scratched with the copper penny, but not with the steel nail.
Alyssa holds two bar magnets slightly apart and opposite poles facing each other. She can feel a force as she holds the magnets. What force does she feel? What force would she feel if similar poles of the magnets were facing each other?
What is Magnetic force pulling the magnets together. She would then feel a Magnetic force pushing the magnets apart.
Luis and Dan are both pushing on opposite sides of a box. The box is not moving. What must be true about the forces?
Luis's and Dan's forces are balanced.
A drug company is testing a new medicine. They give one group of test subjects the new medicine in a tablet. They give the other group a tablet with no medicine. Why is it important that one group get no medicine? a. to find out how long it takes people to get well with no medicine b. to find out whether people really get well or if they are just pretending c. to be sure it is the medicine that makes people well and not anything else d. to find out whether the new medicine makes people more sick than people who get no medicine
Answer A is incorrect because one group not getting the medicine will not provide this data. Answer B is incorrect because one group not getting the medicine will not provide this data. Answer C is correct because one group not getting the medicine will provide this data. If the people not taking the medicine get well, the scientists know that the medicine is not necessarily what is helping the test subjects. Answer D is incorrect because one group not getting the medicine will not provide this data.
Francis has been investigating the way a type of plant food affects the growth of plants. He concludes that plants that get the food do better than the plants that do not get the food. Which of the following statements is evidence that best supports Francis’s conclusion? a. He knows that plants need water and sunlight to grow well. b. He read on the label that the plant food would help plants grow. c. Plants without the food grew better than plants that got the food. d. Plants with the food grew better than plants that did not get the food.
Answer A is incorrect because this knowledge has nothing to do with the plant food being tested. Answer B is incorrect because just reading the label does not prove this claim. Answer C is incorrect because the plants that got the food did better than the plants without the food. Answer D is correct because the plants with the food grew better than the plants that did not get the food.
Raoul knows that granite is a rock that is made up partly of large crystals of the minerals quartz and feldspar. What can Raoul say about granite and all other rocks? a. All rocks have pieces of granite in them. b. They are all made up of one or more minerals. c. They all contain the minerals quartz and feldspar. d. Most rocks are made up of large quartz crystals.
Answer A is incorrect because not all rocks have pieces of granite in them. Answer B is correct because all rocks are made up of at least one mineral, no matter what class of rock it is. Answer C is incorrect because not all rocks contain quartz and feldspar. Answer D is incorrect because only rocks that form slowly beneath Earth’s surface have large crystals and many rocks do not contain quartz.
Mr. Sanchez's students are studying forces. They learn that magnetism and gravity are two kinds of forces. How are gravity and magnetic forces alike? A. They never cause changes in motion. B. They do not transfer energy to objects. C. They can act on objects that are not touching. D. They always cause objects to attract each other.
Answer A is incorrect because any force can cause a change in motion. Answer B is incorrect because any force can transfer energy to objects. Answer C is correct because objects need not be in contact to experience either magnetic or gravitational forces. Answer D is incorrect because a magnetic force can cause objects to repel each other.
Yukio measured in newtons (N) the force needed to pull a box of sand 50 centimeters. He adds more sand to the box and then pulls on it with the same force. What is the most likely result of Yukio’s experiment?
The box moves more slowly is correct because as he increases the mass, the same force has less effect.
Gwen is doing research about hurricane damage in Florida. Which of the following resources would NOT be a reliable source of information about hurricanes? a. website written by a student b. almanac entry about hurricanes c. website run by a government agency d. encyclopedia entry about hurricanes
Answer A is correct because a website written by a student may contain inaccurate or false information. Answer B is incorrect because an almanac provides statistical information about weather. Answer C is incorrect because a government agency is a credible source for factual information. Answer D is incorrect because an encyclopedia entry about hurricanes would be full of reliable information.
Macy has a piece of mudstone rock. She discovers that mudstone is formed from very tiny particles that settle in the bottom of lakes or oceans. Which class of rock does Macy have? a. conglomerate b. igneous c. sedimentary d. metamorphic
Answer A is incorrect because conglomerate is not a class of rock. Answer B is incorrect because an igneous rock is not formed from tiny particles that come together in layers. Answer C is correct because sedimentary rocks are formed from the cementing together of particles of things like sand, fossils, and shells. Answer D is incorrect because a metamorphic rock is not formed from tiny particles of sediment.
Min’s backyard has pieces of slate rock that are used as a footpath. Slate is a metamorphic rock that splits into flat pieces. What natural forces in Earth cause the formation of slate? a. Molten magma deep inside Earth cools and slowly hardens over time. b. Great heat and pressure cause the minerals to line up in parallel layers. c. Lava erupts and runs down the side of a volcano, then cools and hardens. d. Sediments of once living things are deposited over time and become cemented.
Answer A is incorrect because metamorphic rocks are not formed by the cooling and hardening of molten magma. Answer B is correct because metamorphic rocks are formed by great heat and pressure. This heat and pressure squeezes the minerals together in parallel layers. Answer C is incorrect because metamorphic rocks are not formed by the cooling and hardening of exposed lava. Answer D is incorrect because metamorphic rocks are not formed by the deposit and cementing of sediments over time.
A rocket takes off from Earth. How does the rocket overcome the force of gravity? a. The force of the rocket engine is greater than the force of gravity on the rocket. b. The force of gravity on the rocket is greater than the force of the rocket engine. c. The force of the smoke on the rocket is greater than the force of gravity on the rocket. d. The force of the air pushing on the rocket is greater than the force of gravity on the rocket.
Answer A is correct because the force of the rocket must be greater than the force of gravity on the rocket in order for the rocket to take off. Answer B is incorrect because if the force of gravity on the rocket were greater than the rocket’s force, the rocket would not be able to take off. Answer C is incorrect because the smoke is not opposing the force of gravity. Answer D is incorrect because the air is not applying an upward force on the rocket to make it take off.
Elyse drew a picture of a river flowing through a canyon. Which of the following statements would be the best caption for Elyse’s picture? a. Wind and ice erosion formed the canyon. b. Weathering of rock and soil quickly carved land into the canyon. c. Weathering of rock and erosion of sediments formed the canyon. d. Sediments deposited along the sides of the canyon are called deltas.
Answer A is incorrect because wind and ice erosion may not be the kind of erosion that formed the canyon. Answer B is incorrect because weathering is a process that takes places over a long period of time. Answer C is correct because weathering of rock and erosion of sediments wears away land over a long period of time to form a canyon . Answer D is incorrect because sediments deposited along the sides of the canyon are not called deltas.
Scientists use different processes to investigate scientific questions. The methods that scientists use to investigate questions can vary. During which part of an investigation would a scientist gather evidence? a. asking a question b. analyzing the results c. drawing conclusions d. conducting an investigation
Answer A is incorrect because asking a question comes before gathering evidence. Answer B is incorrect because analyzing the results comes after gathering evidence. Answer C is incorrect because drawing conclusions comes after gathering evidence. Answer D is correct because scientists gather information, or evidence, as they conduct an experiment. During the testing part of an investigative procedure, scientists perform an experiment and gather data to analyze later on in the investigation.
Fredo and his family are hiking in the mountains. He sees broken rocks. What might Fredo infer caused the rocks to break apart? a. Wind erosion caused the pieces to wear away. b. Water erosion caused the rocks to break apart. c. Bits of sand blew on a rock, causing it to suddenly shatter. d. Ice froze in a crack in the rock and caused it to break apart.
Answer A is incorrect because the rocks in the picture have been broken apart, not worn away. Answer B is incorrect because water erosion would cause the rocks to move from place to place—not to break apart. Answer C is incorrect because bits of sand blowing on a rock would cause the rock to scrape away over time—not to shatter. Answer D is correct because ice freezing the crack of a rock, causing the crack to widen and eventually the rock would break apart.
Jude found a rock that is very smooth and glassy. He knows that the rock was formed by lava that cooled very quickly after a volcanic eruption. Which kind of rock does Jude have? a. conglomerate b. igneous c. metamorphic d. sedimentary
Answer A is incorrect because a conglomerate rock is not smooth and glassy. Answer B is correct because an igneous rock is formed when molten rock, or lava, cools very quickly. This creates a smooth and glassy volcanic rock. Answer C is incorrect because a metamorphic rock is not formed by cooled lava. Answer D is incorrect because a sedimentary rock is not formed by cooled lava.