Energy 2
Soils, Rocks & Landforms
Soils, Rocks & Landforms 2

One of the people who works in the city office says, “There is one more thing you should think about. Some lightbulbs get hotter than others. In the summer, hot bulbs make our office even warmer.” Which plan would be the best fair test to find out how room temperature is affected by the different kinds of bulbs?

A. Put a different kind of bulb in three lamps in the same room and check the air temperature. 

B.  Put a different kind of bulb in three lamps in the same room and check the air temperature. 

C. Put bulbs in three lamps, a different kind of bulb in each lamp. Place the lamps in three rooms the same size and measure the temperature each hour of the work day

D. Check the air temperature of rooms with different kinds of bulbs at different times of day

C. Put bulbs in three lamps, a different kind of bulb in each lamp. Place the lamps in three rooms the same size and measure the temperature each hour of the work day


Which evidence shows that energy is transferred from place to place by light? 

A. The liquid that resists freezing is moved by the pump to where light is shining.

B. Energy from the hot water is used to heat up the room heaters.

C. The liquid that resists freezing is used to heat up the water in the water heater

D. Energy from the Sun is used to heat up the liquid that resists freezing.

D. Energy from the Sun is used to heat up the liquid that resists freezing.


An older man found a big split rock near his childhood home after being away for 60 years. He was surprised because when he was young it was one big rock. What likely caused the rock to split? 

A. Chemicals in the rain made a tiny crack bigger. 

B. Tree roots grew from a seed in a crack and slit the rock.

C. Freezing and thawing of rain and snow in a crack split the rock. 

D. Wind blew into a tiny crack and made it bigger. 

B. Tree roots grew from a seed in a crack and slit the rock.


When water fills cracks in rocks and freezes, it can break rocks apart. This happens because water ___________ when it freezes. 

A. Expands 

B. Evaporates 

C. Contracts 

D. Condenses

A. Expands 


Earthworms spend most of their lives in the soil. Sunlight is dangerous and can dry out a worm’s skin, so it is important for their survival that they avoid sunlight. Scientists at a university recently demonstrated that earthworms are able to avoid light even though they have no eyes. Which sentence below most likely explains how earthworms avoid light? 

A.They have small brains that know when it is light outside. 

B. They can tell when it is day and night. 

C. They have a structure on their skin that senses light.

D.They have a structure on their skin that can sense moisture. 

C. They have a structure on their skin that senses light.


A student wants to complete this circuit so the motor will run. She has only a few materials available. What can she use to close the circuit between the D-cell and the switch?

A. A piece of string 

B. Aluminum Foil 

C. Plastic Straws

D. Wooden Craft Sticks 

B. Aluminum Foil


Which rule helps you decide whether a brass rivet or an iron rivet will make the better core for an electromagnet? 

A. All metals conduct electricity. 

B. Magnets stick to some metals. 

C. Opposite poles attract; like poles repel. 

D. Only objects made of iron or steel can be magnetized.

D. Only objects made of iron or steel can be magnetized.


Soil is found in many different regions of the world.Mark which location most likely has soil with a lot of humus. 

A. Forest

B. Desert


D. Beach

A. Forest


In which location would water flow the fastest? 

A. Pond

B. Lake 

C. Mountain Stream 

D. River 

C. Mountain Stream


Fish breathe with gills rather than lungs. Isopods breathe with gill-like structures. For this reason, isopods require _____. 

A. A sandy environment 

B.A moist environment
C.A warm environment 

D. A dry environment 

B. A moist environment


Which pair of devices provides evidence that electrical energy can be converted to light energy and sound energy when the devices are connected to a source of electricity? 

A. lamp and doorbell

B. fan and lamp

C. lamp and toaster

D. doorbell and toaster

A. lamp and doorbell


The telephone replaced the telegraph as the most popular way to communicate over long distances. Which statement describes a design feature that made the telephone an improvement?

A. The need for a more secret code.

B. The use of an electromagnet to make sound. 

C. The ability to send more than one message at a time.

D. No use of electric energy. 

C. The ability to send more than one message at a time.


Which statement best explains the difference in erosion patterns? 

A. Loose soil erodes faster because it absorbs more water. 

B. Firm soil erodes more slowly because water flows into the soil more slowly. 

C. Loose soil erodes faster because soil particles float on the surface of the water. 

D. Firm soil erodes more slowly because it is difficult for water to break soil particles apart.

D. Firm soil erodes more slowly because it is difficult for water to break soil particles apart.


True or False: Earthquakes and Flash floods change the land slowly. 

False, it changes the land rapidly. 


A class had a pet lizard that lived in a terrarium. There was a rock under a light in the terrarium. They noticed that the lizard was often on the rock. They wondered whether the lizard went on the rock because it sensed and preferred light and warmth or just preferred rocks. Which sentence best describes how they could find out?

A. Move the rock away from the light and observe where the lizard spends the most time. 

B. Put one rock under light and one rock away from light and observe where the lizard spends the most time.

C. Take the light out of the terrarium but leave the rock in and observe where the lizard spends the most time

D. Take the rock out of the terrarium and observe where the lizard spends the most time. 

B. Put one rock under light and one rock away from light and observe where the lizard spends the most time.


After a picnic, a child washed some plastic cups and put one inside the other. The cups stuck together. Someone said,“Wow! The cups are magnetic!" Which of the following statements could be supported by evidence from class investigations?

A. That's right. Sometimes plastic can become magnetized. 

B. That's right. Whenever things stick together, that's magnetism. 

C. No, that's wrong. Only metal can be magnetized.

D. No, that's wrong. Sometimes wet things stick together. 

C. No, that's wrong. Only metal can be magnetized.


You are standing in a room with some objects on a table. The door is closed, and it is completely dark- there is no light source. Which of the following sentences is true? 

A. You will be able to see the shape of the object, but not their colors. 

B. You will never see anything, even if you are there for a long time. 

C. You will be able to see a little bit after your eyes get used to the dark. 

D. You will be able to see only the objects that are white. 

B. You will never see anything, even if you are there for a long time.


A farmer wanted to plant new crops in a field. Before planting the farmer wanted to know about the soil. The farmer dug up a shovel full of soil to examine. Mark the property that the farmer could use to identify the different earth materials.

A. Shape 






True or False: These are renewable resources: air, water, soil, animals and trees.



Sometimes squirrels make a sound like a bird’s tweet to attract a mate. Other times they make a sound like a dog’s bark to warn of danger. One sound makes a squirrel come near, and the other makes a squirrel run away. Which sentence best explains why squirrels respond to the two sounds differently?

A. When they are young, their mothers teach them a special squirrel language. 

B. The two sounds travel to different muscles in the squirrel’s body, causing it to react in different ways. 

C. The two sounds travel to different muscles in the squirrel’s body, causing it to react in different ways.

D.  Squirrels know the meaning of different sounds when they are born. 

C. The two sounds travel to different muscles in the squirrel’s body, causing it to react in different ways.


Which statement describes two ways that wind power and solar power are most alike? 

A. Both are limited in when they are available, and both are nonrenewable. 

B. Both are available at all times, and both are nonrenewable. 

C. Both are limited in when they are available, and both are renewable.

D. Both are available at all times, and both are renewable. 

C. Both are limited in when they are available, and both are renewable.


Telegraphs send messages using code that represents letters of the alphabet. The sender and receiver need to know the code. Telephones replaced the telegraph as a way to communicate across long distances. Which statement best explains how telephones work? 

A. Telephones send sound waves through wires so people can hear each other. 

B. Telephones have telegraphs in the receiver that change the code into words. 

C. Telephones change sound frequencies into electric impulses, then change them back to sound.

D. Telephones send sound through the air that is around wire, so people near the wires will be able to hear the sound. 

C. Telephones change sound frequencies into electric impulses, then change them back to sound.


Humus is made of _____________.

Dead or decaying plants and animals 


In 2017, a very large earthquake in Mexico killed more than 200 people and toppled many buildings. Engineers are planning to build new buildings. Which of the following describe design criteria they should consider to reduce the impact of earthquakes on people? 

A. Design buildings with the least expensive materials to save money 

B. Design buildings that can absorb the force of an earthquake.

C. Research ways to stop earthquakes. 

D. Conduct a survey of people in the neighborhood about their favorite design. 

B. Design buildings that can absorb the force of an earthquake.


Scientists have found that brine shrimp produce two kinds of embryos. When conditions are just right for survival they produce soft embryos that develop into live larvae. When conditions are not as good for survival, they produce hard cysts (like the ones you used in your classroom investigation). Cysts do not hatch until conditions improve.

Which sentence most likely explains when each type of embryo is produced? 

A. Female and male brine shrimp decide whether to produce larvae or cysts. 

B. Female brine shrimp have structures that sense certain conditions.

C. Brine shrimp have learned when the water is just right to produce larvae. 

D. Brine shrimp produce both larvae and cysts, hoping that some will survive.

B. Female brine shrimp have structures that sense certain conditions.