What if ...
Fill in the blank

The number of electrons in the valence shell of a magnesium (Mg) atom

What is "2" (two)? 


Motors, lightbulbs, and fans are examples of these in an electric circuit.

What is a "load"?


You would have to replace this after using too much electricity in your household and overloading the circuit.

What is a "fuse"?


_______ ________ is what causes your hair to stand up when you rub a balloon on your head.

What is "static electricity" 


Bunnies are dumb. If left to populate without any predators, they will literally eat all the grass they can until there is none left and they starve. If bunnies (or any organism) become extinct in ONE area, but still exist elsewhere, we give them this special title.

What is "extirpated"?


This group # contains elements that are not reactive (on the periodic table)

What is "Group #18" (the Noble Gases)


A word used to describe an ecosystem that experiences long-lasting success without running out of resources

What is "sustainable"?


If the earth stopped revolving around the Sun we wouldn't have these anymore.

What are "the seasons"?


Cooking pancakes is a ________ change. Boiling water is a ________ change.

What is "chemical" and "physical"? 


Bob video calls his family from space; his daughter starts crying saying he is not her real daddy, his wife asks if he has gained some weight, his son giggles at his scrawny legs ... Bob has developed this common syndrome. Poor Bob :(

What is "puffy face, bird leg" syndrome (blood has rushed to the upper part of his body!)


The density of a rock with a volume of 15cm3 and a mass of 45 grams

What is "3g/cm3"?


How stars generate their own energy: when hydrogen atoms collide to create helium atoms

What is "nuclear fusion"?


In this type of circuit, electricity would still be able to flow even if a single lightbulb stopped working ...

What is a "parallel circuit"?


Plastic and wood are good __________ because they strongly hold onto electrons, stopping electricity in its path.

What are "insulators"?


In this type of relationship, an innocent ant is turned into a horrifying zombie by a fungus pathogen before its untimely death ... Soon we will have an ant-pocolypse on our hands!

What is "parasitism"?


The largest unit that scientists use to measure space

What is "light years" (LY)


An organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals.

What is a "producer"? 


If a chemist combines oxygen and magnesium, these elements form this type of bond .... OMg ! 

What is a "ionic bond"?
This phenomenon proves that galaxies are moving farther away from us .... (if they were moving towards us, they would appear blue!)

What is "red shift"?


After our sun expands and destroys our solar system it will dim to become a black dwarf ... anyways, larger stars will become this instead.

What is a "black hole"?


The voltage of a battery in a circuit with a resistance of 60 Ω and a current of 4 A

What is "240 volts"?


A mixture of molecules that all appear uniform (the same) even though they are different

What is a "solution"?


Simpler than food webs, if we only had this type of organization in an ecosystem, it would be doomed to fail even if just one organism disappeared.

What is a "food chain"?


Cations (metals) become positive in compounds because _________? 

What is "they give away an electron"?


Your brother decides its a good idea to fix your broken light. What he doesn't do is wear proper protective gear or turn off the circuit breaker. He ends up zapping himself on a live wire. This is because human skin is good at ...

What is "conducting electricity"?