The shaking of the earth caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
When you are in a natural disaster, the first thing you do is run.
What can you do during a tsunami?
Go to a higher place
What is mixture?
2 or more elements mixed together that we CAN separate later
Which planet of the solar system is red?
A rotating column of air, and also called a twister
Earthquakes can happen on land AND under water.
What can you do during a volcano?
Wear a mask, evacuate, stay inside
What is a solution?
2 or more elements mixed together that we CANNOT separate later
What is the name of 1 volcano of Mexico?
Popocatépet, Iztaccíhuatl, pico de Orizaba,nevado de Toluca
A large wave of water that begins in the ocean, caused by an underwater earthquake.
A hurricane is made of air AND water.
What can you do during a hurricane?
Listen to the radio or tv, evacuate if necessary, turn off electricity
Are hotcakes a mixture or solution?
What is the difference between lava and magma?
Magma is inside the Earth and lava is outside.
A large period of time with NO water, everything’s dry.
Hot liquid rock under the Earth is called magma.
What can you do during a tornado?
Get into a basement, stay away from windows, evacuate if possible
Is a box of LEGOs a mixture or solution?
What is the difference between a hurricane and a tornado?
A tornado is made of air, and a hurricane is made of air AND water
An event in which everything gets wet, full of water.
Water in floods is safe (ok) to drink.
What can you do during an earthquake?
Evacuate if possible, get under a table, do not push, do not scream
Mention one solution and one mixture
What is Miss Rebeca’s last name?