What is the difference between rocks and minerals?
Minerals are what makes up a rock
What is continental drift?
When the contents slowly drift apart
What is a volcano?
An opening in Earth's crust where solid and molten rock escape.
What three types of weathering are there?
Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological Weathering
What are the two types of Igneous Rocks?
Extrusive and intrusive
Who named the hardness scale and what did they name it?
Frederic Mohs and he named it the Mohs scale
What are the three types of boundaries?
Diverging, Continental, and transform
What scale is used to measure the strength of Earthquakes?
Usually given as a number on the Richter Scale.
How are fluvial land forms created?
They are created by running water.
How can a Sedimentary Rock or Igneous Rock turn into a Metamorphic Rock?
With intense heat and pressure
What are the six types of properties of a mineral?
Colour, lustre, streak, cleavage, fracture, hardness
What is it called when the edge of plates meet?
A boundary
Where is molten rock kept inside the crust?
The Magma Chamber
What is the process of sediments settling at body's of water?
Any rock that is heated may melt in to magma and later form ________?
Igneous Rock
How many types of minerals are there?
There are more than 3500
What are deep valleys and mountain chains?
Trenches and Ridges
What do you call waves caused by Earthquakes?
Seismic Waves
What is a glacier?
A moving mass of ice and snow
How can a Igneous Rock become a part of a Sedimentary Rock?
With Weathering an erosion an Igneous Rock splits into sediments and with pressure it will soon become a Sedimentary Rock.
What do we use to record movement deep in the earth?
In the theory of plate tectonics _______ is cracked up which creates ________.
Lithosphere and plates
What is the first place below the surface where rocks break?
The focus
What are the 4 types of erosion that can shape land scapes?
Wind,Water,Rivers,and glaciers
Why can two rocks look very different even though they are made of the same minerals?
It depends on the way they are formed