Which type of reproduction involves the passing of traits from parents to offspring?
What is meiosis?
Mendel crossed two plants with yellow seeds. He grew the offspring produced and found some offspring had yellow seeds and some produced green seeds.
How can organisms produce offspring with different phenotypes?
What is dominant and recessive traits?
What are the 3 types of rocks found on Earth?
What is sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic?
What evidence is there to support the theory of Plate Tectonics?
What is seafloor spreading occurring in all time periods, mountain chains lining up from separated continents, fossilized remains of organisms on separated continents?
What is a concern when using renewable energy sources?
What is location, cost, habitat loss, danger to wildlife?
Which type of reproduction results in two diploid daughter cells?
What is mitosis?
How is genetic information transferred during meiosis?
What is crossing over?
Lakes, rivers, glaciers, oceans, and polar ice caps are all examples of this.
What is surface water
Describe a sedimentary rock.
Sedimentary rocks have different layers from sediments being deposited together.
What is the breaking down of rocks?
What is Weathering?
Who is considered the father of genetics and which animal did he study?
Who is Gregor Mendel and finches?
What is an ethical concern regarding selective breeding and genetically modifying organisms?
What is the organisms health and quality of life?
Most of the Earth's water is found here. (93%)
What is the frozen in ice caps?
Soil has a permeability scale. Which type of soil would absorb the most water after a thunderstorm?
What is Clay?
The dropping off of weathered rock at the end of erosion.
What is deposition?
What is the structure of DNA?
What is a helix consisting of genes which control proteins?
Mutations can be...?
What is harmful, beneficial, or neutral?
Which type of rock are fossils found and why?
What are sedimentary rocks because organisms can't withstand the pressure and heat of creating igneous and metamorphic rocks?
What is a nonrenewable resource? Give two examples.
A nonrenewable resource is a resource that cannot be replaced in our lifetime. Examples: (Fossil Fuels) Natural Gas, Coal, Oil.
What is a change in surface water that causes a decrease in groundwater?
What is a drought?
What is the difference between homologous and analogous structures?
What is homologous share a common ancestor?
What does it mean for an area to be biodiverse?
What is having a variety of plants and animals?
Which two processes are involved in creating metamorphic rocks?
What is heat and pressure?
What kind of rock comes from a volcano?
What is Igneous?
What is the advantage of conserving Earth's energy sources?
What is availability for future generations?