How are plants grouped?
What are the Parts of a flower?
How do flowers make seeds and fruits?
What is the life cycle of a flowering plant?
What are two groups into which plants can be grouped?
Flowering plants and conifers
How do flowers with fewer than four parts produce seeds?
They make spores
How do pollination and fertilization occur?
The bee takes the pollen from the stamen and the pollen sticks to the pistil, when the pollen sticks to the pistil the ovule inside the ovary makes the eggs
How do plants grow from seeds?
It will grow if it has water, oxygen, and the right temperture
What are two types of plants that make seeds?
Sunflowers and pine trees
What do the four parts of a flower do?
The stamen holds the pollen, the pistil makes the eggs, the petals protect the flower, the sepal protects the flower
How do seeds and fruits form?
Pollen grains from a stamen of an flower must be moved to the sticky tip of a pistil on a apple flower
What is the mature stage of a flowering plant's life cycle?
A young seedling
What are two types of plants that do not make seeds?
Ferns and mosses