Electricity & Magnetism
Force and Motion
Science Tools

This is the type of energy that results from the flow of charged particles, such as electrons or protons.

What is electricity?

This is the number of chromosomes a normal human has..

What is 46?


This is the ability to do work.

What is energy?


This force slows things down or makes them stop...

What is friction?


This is the system of measurement used in science.

What is the metric system?


How many poles does a magnet have?

What is two?


Inherited or Acquired? Being able to play the piano

What is acquired?


This is the object we created in order to begin to learn about energy. 

What is a toolbox racer?


This is the force by which all objects in the universe are attracted to each other (keeps pulling us towards Earth's core).

What is gravity?


This is a slender pipe-like tube into which small amounts of liquid are taken up by suction to allow a chemist to remove, transfer, or measure a substance.

What is a pipette?


This is the type of electricity that might make your hair "stand up" after rubbing it with a balloon. 

What is static electricity?


(P) Purple is dominant (p) white is recessive The organism's genotype is Pp. So the phenotype is...

What is purple?


This type of energy is "stored"...

What is potential energy?


If a sheet of paper and a steel, solid bowling ball were dropped at the same time - in a vacuum at a science lab, which would hit the ground first?

They would hit at the same time. (There are no forces other than gravity acting upon the objects and gravity pulls at all objects at the same rate.)


This tool magnifies smaller objects at a higher power than a hand lens.

What is a microscope?


In order for an electric current to flow the path must be...... (choices: open or closed).

What is closed?


Traits that are passed on from parents

What is heredity? (or inherited)


The ultimate form of energy on Earth comes from our...

What is the sun?


This word sums up Newton's First Law of Motion which states that an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless a force acts upon it.

What is Inertia?


When using a graduated cylinder, one must measure the amount of liquid using the bottom of the........

What is the meniscus?


Electrical current can easily travel through materials, such as metal and water. These materials are called...

What are conductors?


(T) Tall (t) short An organism is short. If its mother was Tt then its father's genotype could NOT have been

What TT?


The Law of Conservation of Energy states:

What is "energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form to another (transferred from one object to another)"?


This is why Newton's third law is called the "Law of Force Pairs"...

What is: Whenever a force is applied, there is an equal and opposite force?


This tool you would use in science if you needed to to measure the mass of an apple. 

What is a scale or triple beam balance?