Lifting Mechanisms
Air Masses and Weather Fronts
Air Pressure and Wind and El and La
Need to know!

In this mechanisms, moist air is forced to rise a mountain 

Orographic Lifting


What are the clouds found at Warm v Cold fronts

Warm Front Weather: Cirrus --> Stratus --> Nimbo Stratus (A little overcast, drizzle, rain)
Cold Front Weather: Cumulonimbus, thunderstorms (A little overcast, drizzle, rain)


What are isobars? How are they used on a map (stronger v lighter winds)?

Lines that connect areas of equal pressure

The closer the isobars, the stronger the wind; the farther the isobars, the weaker the wind


What do (m) and (c) stand for and mean?

Maritime --> Ocean

Continental --> Land


Your 50,000 ft. up in the air. In an airplane sealed shut. A door is open by one of the passengers and you all are pushed out and start falling down. Why are you all pushed out of the plane/where are the high and low pressure systems?

- High pressure in the plane

- Low pressure outside the plane

- Since air will flow form high to low, people are pushed out


Examples of surfaces that are good at absorbing heat and bad at absorbing heat

Good - Blacktop, dark clothing, dark stone, etc.

Bad - Mirrors, white paint, Shiny surfaces, etc.


What are the clouds found at Stationary v Occluded fronts

Stationary Front Weather: Stratus --> Altostratus --> Cirrostratus --> Nimbostratus (Temp and wing cond. stagnant for days)
Occluded Front Weather: Complex Weather (Mix of warm and cold front clouds) Heavy rains in warmer months and blizzards in colder months


What is pressure? How is it used daily life?

Weight of air above and object. Pressure is constantly pushing down on us


Air will flow from _____ to ______



You're 7,000 ft. up on a mountain and you have a waterbottle, it is empty by the time you get to the top. At the top you screw on the cap with the bottle full of air. At the bottom the bottle looks crunched and smaller. Why is this happening/here are the high and low pressure systems?

- Low pressure in the waterbottle

- High pressure outside the waterbottle

- High trying to flow into low pressure waterbottle, when can't just crushes waterbottle.


Birds use this lifting mechanisms to migrate (AKA Thermal soaring)

Local Convective Lifting


Which 2 components is air mass defined by? As well as what are the 3 air masses (temp. and location of the globe)

- Their temperature and humidity characteristics define air masses

3 Air masses: Artic (A) - near the poles, very cold - Polar (P) Middle between equator and pole, cold - Tropical (T) Around the equator, warm


Why does air exert pressure? And in what direction is this pressure exerted?

Air --> Gas ---> (Gas) Has Mass

- Weight of molecules exert pressure on earth surface

Air pressure is exerted in ALL directions


What is the relationship between Temp, Density, and Press.?

T⬆ = D⬇ = P⬇


T⬇ = D⬆ = P⬆


It is Monsoon season in India (AKA Summer.) Where are the H and L pressure systems in land v. water? What else do you know?

Since air flows H --> L and monsoons are water coming to land we know the H system is in the water and the L system is on land

- On land ⬆T ⬇D ⬇P

- On water ⬇T ⬆D ⬇P

The Gobi and Adakanda desert are what?

Rain Shadow


What is the jet stream? Be specific

- Fast-flowing "river of air" in the troposphere

- Flows over the airmasses of (P) and (T)

- Blows West --> East


La Niña and El Niño Vocab!

Teleconnection and Climate Outlooks

Teleconnection - Link between widely separated weather

Climate Outlooks - National Weather Service prediction for periods 1-3 mounts into the future


What causes wind to blow?

1. Pressure Gradient - Winds CAUSED by unequal air press. (press. gradient) due to unequal heating

2. Friction - Ex. friction on small frozen lake is less then friction on strong heavily wooded forest

3. Coriolis Effect - Looks like wind is blown in straight line/rotation of earth


You are on a moving disk, that's moving counterclockwise. There are 4 people including yourself on the ride, each evenly spaced apart. If you were to try to throw a ball straight across the circle, would go straight across? Why or why not? What idea is this suppose to represent, and what is that idea?

It would not go striaght acorss because of the "coriolis effect." This demo is trying to represent the Coriolis effect on Earth. How due to the diversion of wind earth rotates counter-clockwise.


This lifting mechanisms is famously known for happening over Florida and Venuzula



What are the 5 tips for identifying a front on a weather map

1. Sharp temp. changes over short distance

2. Change in humidity

3. Rapid shifts in wind direction

4. Pressure changes

5. Clouds and Precip. patterns


Describe the surface temperatures on both sides of the tropical pacific during a La Niña event.

It is colder then normal sea surfance temp. in eas pacific. Whie is it dryer on west coast of South U.S during a La Niña event.


What are the global impacts of La Niña and El Niño\

La Niña - Cooler and wetter in the NW vs. Cold in the N plains winter temps, warns ub SW and SE in W pacific

El Niño - Wint. Temp. Above North center of USA and Canada, Wetter winters in USA and Mexico

(Add more if you know!)


What has the consistenyl steepest wind?

A. )))))

B. )    )    )

C. ) ) ) )

D. )) ) )) )    )     )