Motion and Design
In what type of ecosystem would you expect to find the most species?
A deset.

B farm field

C tropical rainforest

D tundra
Which location is most likely to have the greatest amount of soil erosion?
A a level pasture with dense grasses.

B a steep hillside with grasses and bushes.

C a steep hillside with very few plants.

D a very flat field with a few plants.
Which type of cloud would you expect to see on a day when it is gray outside and there is a light rain?
A Cirrus

B Stratus

C Cumulus

D Cumulonimbus
Which object has the greatest momentum?
A a car traveling at 60 kilometers per hour

B a freight train traveling at 20 kilometers per hour.

C a book falling off a desk.

D a leaf falling from a tree.
Which type of organism would most likely be eaten last in an ecosystem's food chain?
A meat eaters

B palnt eaters

C plants

D algae
Which resource do organisms in this ecosystem compete for the most?
A sunlight

B oxygen

C water

D living space
In order for rainwater to cause erosion of a mountain, what other force is needed?
A currents

B magnetism

C humidity

D gravity
Sarah notices on her weather barometer that the atmospheric pressure is dropping outside. Which weather condition will Sarah most likely find if she goes outside?
A cloudy and rainy

B sunny and windy

C sunny and still

D partly cloudy but no rain

In order for an object to begin moving or to change its direction, which of the following muct happen?
A The object must change its mass.

B The object must increase its mass.

C A force must act upon the object.

D The object must become a force.
Deltas often form where rivers empty into the ocean. What causes a delta to form?
A The delta was once land that the river eroded away over time.

B Eroded sediment is deposited at the mouth of a river.

C The ocean tides pushed sediment from the ocean onto the shoreline.

D The river is reshaped by earthquakes which causes the formation of a delta.
Decomposers are organisms that break down dead plants and animals into the basic parts of organic matter. If there were no decomposers on Earth, which of the following would happen?
A Palnts and animals could live much longer

B The dead plants would pile everywhere until there was no room for anything to live.

C There would be more nutrients for plants to grow.

D Farmers would never have to fertilize their food crops.
Which term refers to a small stream that flows into a larger river?
A meander

B delta

C tributary

D estuary
Which is the most common direction of weather systems entering North Carolina?
A moving weather from east to west

B moving weather from the north to the south

C moving weather from the south to the north

D moving weather from the west to the east.
A book was sitting still on a table when it suddenly started to slide across the table. Which best describes the forces acting on the book when it started to move?
A balanced

B unbalanced

C pushing in one direction

D stronger than gravity
Which waether condition is usually found when it is raining?
A low pressure

B high pressure

C partly cloudy

D low humidity
Which effect does a decrease in sunlight have on a pond ecosystem?
A an increase in oxygen levels

B a decrease in the nitrogen levels

C an increase in the algae population

D a decrease in the algae population
What are scale models best used to identify?
A areas of high pollution

B animal habitats

C weather patterns

D landforms
Which best describes how air pressure can be affected on hot summer days?
A The air expands and becomes less dense, creating areas of low pressure.

B The air expands and becomes less dense, creating areas of high pressure.

C The air expands and becomes more dense, creating areas of low pressure.

D The air expands and becomes more dense, creating areas of high pressure.
What is the most likely reason cars are designed with smooth surfaces?
A to overcome gravity

B to stop easier

C to reduce air resistance

D to keep the engine cool
An object moving along a surfacesuddenly increases speed. What can cause this to happen?
A It is moved by balanced forces.

B It is moved by two opposite forces.

C It is moved by an unbalanced force.

D It is moved by a force without direction.
A species of giant pandas lives only in central China. Bamboo, a tall, green tropical plant, is the main food source for these animals. Large areas of bamboo are being cut down in central China to make room for growing other crops.
What will most likely happen to these giant pandas?

A They will become endangered or extinct.

B They will migrate to warmer areas of China.

C They will become carnivores.

D They will begin to live in caves.
Which factor causes a mud slide?
A the amount of rain in an area

B the amount of carbon dioxide in an area

C the amount of pollution in an area

D the amount of wind in an area
Most warm and cold air masses that enter North Carolina are moved by global winds. Which global winds are responsible for most of the local weather in North Carolina?
A northeast trade

B southeast trade

C polar easterlies

D prevailing westerlies
A student is riding a bike and applies the brakes. Which most helps the bike to stop?
A friction

B gravity

C heat

D momentum
Which best describes a correct order of the water cycle?
A precipitation, runoff, condensation, evaporation, precipitation

B precipitation, runoff, evaporation, condensation, precipitation

C precipitation, evaporation, condensation, runoff, precipitation

D precipitation, evaporation, runoff, condensation, precipitation