Scientist use THESE to identify an unknown substance.
(Hint: p. 29)
What are it's properties?
Rocks and a kite are this type of matter.
Hint: p. 50
What are solids?
The temperature of an object or material.
Hint: p. 59
What is physical properties?
With this change, all the particles that make up the original substance end up in the new substance.
Hint: p.68
What is a chemical change?
Different materials are placed together, but each material in the mixture keeps its own properties.
Hint: p.80
What is a mixture?
Eats only plants.
Hint: p.13
What is an herbivore?
True or False
There are ecosystems anywhere that living things are found.
These are the three states of matter.
(Hint: p. 30)
What are liquid, solid, and gas?
Water, lemonade and rain are this type of matter.
Hint: p. 51
What is a liquid?
A melted juice pop, torn paper, and broken glass are an example of this.
Hint: p. 58
What is a physical change?
This law states that in any chemical change or physical change, the total mass of the matter does not change.
Hint: p.68
What is the conservation of matter?
A mixture in which substances are spread out evenly and do not settles to the bottom of the container.
Hint: p.81
What is a solution?
Feeds on animals or products animals make.
Hint: p.13
What are carnivores?
Living parts of an ecosystem.
Hint: p.39
What is biotic?
The amount of matter in a substance.
(Hint: p.31)
What is mass?
This is a form of matter that does not have a definite shape or definite volume.
Hint: p. 51
What are gases?
If you put an inflated balloon in the freezer, what will happen?
Hint: p. 59
it will shrink.
Nails Rust. This is an example of what type of change? physical change or a chemical change
Hint: p.69
Chemical change.
The substance dissolved into a solution.
Hint: p.81
What is a solute?
Eats both plants and animals.
Hint: p.13
What is an omnivore?
Ecosystems can be any size. They can be as small as ___________.
Hint: p.42
A drop of water.
The amount of space an object takes up.
(Hint: p.31)
What is volume?
This form of matter can be identified because it has a definite shape.
Hint: p. 52
What is a solid?
This change happens when metal gets hot.
Hint: p. 59
The metal expands.
When you observe one of more substances change into one or more new substances, you observe this.
Hint: p.69
A chemical reaction.
The substance in which the solute is being dissolved.
Hint: p.81
What is the solvent?
Movement of body parts at a fixed point. Such as twisting, bending, shaking, stretching.
Hint: p.20
What is non-locomotor?
All the living and nonliving components in a particular area.
Hint: p.38
What is an ecosystem?
These properties of a material can be observed, measured, and described without changing the material.
(Hint: p. 32)
What are physical properties?
This is a substance that has a definite volume but does not have a definite shape.
Hint: p. 53
What is a liquid?
A change in ______________ can make an object feel colder or warmer.
Copper + oxygen =
Hint: p.73
Copper Oxide
True or False
Two liquids can make a solution.
Moving the body from one place to another.
Hint: p.20
What is locomotor?
Nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
Hint: p.39
What is abiotic?