Stephen "The Cyborg" Hawking
Name this first element. Hint: Balloons and funny voices.
Name this fellow.
Bonus points for full name and catchphrase.
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial "E.T. Phone. Home."
Name the most planets.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Name the two pairs of siblings at camp.
Kiwi and Cap, Lifeguard and Buttercup
Thomas Edison
This science is about the study of animals. Think about where you go to see exotic animals
This concept was developed by a scientist fairly recently and explores the idea of multiple dimensions that look like our lives, but are slightly different.
Marvel movies are exploring this idea recently and it is in the title of a Doctor Strange movie.
The Multiverse.
This naturally occurring phenomenon sucks in everything, including light. Falling into it causes "spaghettification" and one is located at the center of our universe.
A Black Hole
Name the most counselors.
Answers vary.
Who is this handsome fella?
Albert Einstein.
If I drop a pound of feathers and a pound of bricks from a billion feet, which lands first?
Trick question muchachos- they land at the same time.
How many Star Wars movies are there?
The largest mountain in the solar system is on this red planet.
Mars- Olympus Mons.
This famous scientist is the girlfriend's third cousin twice removed of this counselor
Nill Bye.
Known as the smartest man to exist. Hint: Apple.
Isaac Newton
What do you get when you mix gunpowder, Sulphur, and magnesium and light it on fire in a tube?
Name this guy.
Bonus point for naming his "girlfriend" the White Robot.
Wall-E and Eva.
Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class
Are there aliens?
Who is the worst counselor?
Who is this?
Nill Bye.
How do Mercury and Venus set up a pizza party?
What are these people called? HINT: It's not Avatar.
The Na'avi
How many moons does Jupiter have? Closest wins.
How long has Camp Gunston been running?
8 years