What is a star?
A giant ball of hot gas that shines brightly.
What is a constellation?
A group of stars that form patterns in the night sky.
What type of celestial object is the Sun?
A star.
What maginifying device is used to view objects in space?
What is the Lunar Calendar?
A calendar that follows the phases of the moon.
What is the Sun?
A giant sphere that gives us heat and light.
What is Polaris?
The North Star.
What device can you use to view the Sun?
A pinhole camera.
What device can be used to view space or objects on Earth, like birds?
What is the International Standard Calendar?
A calendar that follows the 12 months of the year, or 365 days in a year. Each month has 30 or 31 days.
What is a Planet?
A large, round object that orbits a star. Earth is a planet.
What is a constellation that is used for navigation towards North?
Why is it important to not look directly at the Sun?
It can damage your eyes.
What is the name of a theatre that simulates the night sky?
What are the 13 moons in Indigenous Culture named after?
What is a Moon?
A big, round rock that orbits the Earth.
What constellation is Polaris in?
Little Dipper
Does the Sun move?
No! We move around it.
Why is it easier to view space at night?
The sun isn't shining, so we can see stars and planets.
How did ancient cultures use constellations to guide their journeys?
Sailors and travellers used constellations to help know which direction to travel. They used the Little Dipper (Polaris) to find North. They also used Orion to find the South Pole.
What is a galaxy?
A galaxy is a huge group of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
What part of the constellation Orion points towards the South Pole?
Orion's sword and belt.
Why do we have day and night?
The Earth rotates on its axis. It takes 24 hours to make one full rotation, giving us day and night.
What constellation can you see all year round?
Little Dipper, Big Dipper, Orion, Casseopia
What galaxy is our solar system located in?
The Milky Way.