
Give 3 abiotic and 3 abiotic factors organisms can compete for.

Animals, plants, bacteria, fungi

sun, temp, water, gases


List the three subatomic particles in an atom and identify their charge, location and relative mass.

Proton (+) nucleus 

Electron (-) electron cloud

Neutron (0) nucleus


What 3 equations are found on the STAAR Reference sheet?

Force = mass x acceleration

Speed = distance/ time

Density = mass/ volume


Give the 3 types of plate movements and landforms that are created at each.

convergent: together, mountain, trenches, volcanoes

divergent: apart, rifts, ridges

transform: slides, faults


How many days occur between the 4 main lunar phases? How many days does the full lunar cycle occur?

7 days 

30 days


Give the function of the following organelles is it in a plant or animal cell?: 

chloroplast, cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole

chloroplast - plant / photosynthesis

cell wall - plant / structure & support

cell membrane - let things in and out 

vacuole - water storage


Describe groups, periods, and chemical properties and how they are arranged on the periodic table.

Groups - valence electrons/reactivity at top

Periods - energy levels on left hand side

Chemical properties - in the same group


Give an example of all 3 Newton's Laws.

1. Inertia 

2. F= mxa

3. action-reaction


What is the approximate elevation of Eagle Peak and Black Bear Camp?

1400-1499 Eagle Peak

500-599 Black Bear Camp


What causes seasons?

Earth's tilt and revolution.


Give the 8 vocabulary characteristics of organisms and their definitions.

asexual - 1 parent & sexual - 2 parents

prokaryotic - no nucleus & eukaryotic - yes nucleus

heterotrophic - eats other organisms & autotrophic - makes own food

multicellular - many cells & unicellular - 1 cell


What part of an atom determines identity?

What part of an atom determine reactivity?

Identity - protons 

Reactivity - Valence Electrons


What is a difference in a balanced and an unbalanced force?

All forces are equal in a balanced and unbalanced forces causes an object to speed up, slow down, or change direction.


What's the difference in elevation from point A to the peak?

134-20 = 114


Describe the 4 stypes of stars and their characterstics

White Dwarfs - Hot and Dim bottom left

Main Sequence - medium temp and brightness, middle

Super giants - medium temp and bright, top right

Giants - medium temp and bright, middle right


Give the function for the following body systems: 

respiratory, endocrine, circulatory and excretory

respiratory - oxygen and breathing

endocrine - hormones

circulatory - oxygen in blood 

excretory - waste


Differentiate between a coefficient and a subscript.

Give an example in a chemical formula and count the atoms of the elements

coefficient - large number at front to chemical formula(how many molecules of substance)

subscript - small number behind an element (tell you how many atoms of individual elements 

Answers Vary


Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy, when are they at their greatest and least? 

potential -stored, greater higher up 

kinetic - movement - greater further down travelled.


How does the Sun's energy impact the atmosphere and oceans?

Convection: Heat Rises, Cool Sinks


Draw and label an image that shows the relationship between Earth's axial tilt and the four seasons.


What's the difference between short term and long term effects of an ecosystem? Give an example of each.

Short term - can't recover quickly enough (droughts, fire, etc)

Long term - gradual over time (environment, temperature fluctuations, etc.)


1. What evidences indicate that a new substance has formed as a result of a chemical reaction? 

2. After a reaction, how do the reactants and products in a chemical equation compare? 

-color, light, temp, precipitate, gas



Give the energy transformations for the following items: 

microwave and match

microwave: - electric - light - thermal

match : chemical - thermal & light


Explain what weather occurs because of low pressure, high pressure, cold front, and warm front

low pressure - warm, moist air

high pressure - cool dry air

cold - hot before, cool after

warm - cool before, warm after


Draw and label the moon phases diagram.