Hibernation, Migration, and Echolocation
Recycling and Garbage
Water Pollution
Invasive Species
Extinction and Fossils

What is migration?

Migration is when some animals travel to warmer places.


True or False: It is almost impossible to recycle plastic toys.



True or False: Ocean animals eat plastic in oceans, which can cause them to get sick or die



What is an invasive species?

A plant or animal that causes harm to a new place where it didn’t live before.


Why did the dodo birds go extinct?

They were fat and couldn’t fly, so they were easily hunted.


Why do some birds migrate?

They need to go to warmer places to lay eggs or find food.

Some birds don’t migrate if the place they live always has the same food/weather.


Some countries burn garbage to make ________________.



What does it mean if an animal species is extinct?

It means that all of one kind of animal has died and they don't exist anymore.


Why do animals hibernate? 

Animals hibernate because there isn't enough food in the winter.


Why is it important to recycle? (Give two reasons)

Reduces pollution, can waste less material, uses less energy, avoids making too much trash, etc.


Why should you never bring a new animal or plant to a new country?

Invasive species can cause harm to the plants and animals in a new country. For example, they could eat all the food of another living thing.


How are fossils of footprints made?

Footprint fossils are made when an organism steps into the mud, and over a long time, the footprint hardens into rock.


What is echolocation and how does it work?

Echolocation is a way for animals to see, using sound and their hearing. Animals make high sounds that bounce off of objects and allow them to locate things.


Who was William Coors, and what did he do?

William Coors was the man who started recycling. He started his own company to recycle aluminum cans.


How do bones turn into fossils?

Water brings tiny rocks/minerals into the little holes in bones. Decomposers eat the actual bones, but the minerals that are in the shape of the bone remain.


What kinds of animals hibernate? (Name 3 animals)

Bears, frogs, dormice, bats, hedgehogs, squirrels, marmots, turtles etc


What are two ways humans get rid of trash?

Using a landfill or incinerator.


What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? How does trash get there?

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a giant island/patch in the Pacific Ocean that is made of trash. When people throw trash into rivers or oceans, it often ends up here.


What animals or plants have gone extinct?

Dinosaurs, the dodo, the saber tooth cat, the golden toad, the Western black rhinoceros, etc.