Scientific Method
Banana Lab
What is a variable?
It is anything you change, control, or measure in an experiment.
What is the first step of the scientific method? Also, what was the first step of the scientific method in the lab, "Over Hear?"
The first step of the scientific method is State the Problem. In "Over Hear," the problem was, "What direction do kids hear the best from?"
What is the metric ruler order?
Kilo/Hecto/Deca/Root/Deci/Centi/Milli (Again! :)
How do you find the amount of error of an estimate?
You find the difference of the estimate from the actual.
What does DRY MIX stand for?
D-Dependent Variable R-Responding Variable Y-Y axis M-Manipulated Variable I-Independent Variable X-X axis
What is a manipulated variable and what is another name for it?
A manipulated variable is the variable that you change, or manipulate, in an experiment. It is also called the independent variable.
What is the last step of the scientific method? Also, what was the last step of the scientific method in "Over Hear?"
The last step of the scientific method is the Conclusion. In "Over Hear," the conclusion was, "Kids hear best from the left."
Is 675 dkms correctly written? If not, fix it.
It is incorrect. 675 dkm is correct.
How do you set up the ratio to find the percent error?
You put the amount of error over the actual.
What does DRY MIX show?
It shows where you should graph something. Dependent variables go on the Y-axis and independent variables go on the X-axis.
What is a dependent variable and what is another name for it?
A dependent variable is the variable that is being measured in an experiment and it depends on the independent variable. Another name for it is responding variable.
What is the third step of the scientific method? Also, what was the correct third step of the scientific method in "Over Hear?"
The third step of the scientific method is Form a Hypothesis. The correct hypothesis in "Over Hear" was, "Kids will hear best from the left." A prediction could be, "If kids hear best from the left, then they will correctly guess left clap most often."
Convert 4 567 hm to dm.
4 567 000 dm is correct.
How do you find the percent error?
You divide the amount of error by the actual, then multiply by 100.
What is a random sample?
It is a where each sample is a set of data has an equal chance of being selected.
What is data?
It is facts and statistics collected for analysis.
What is the correct order of the scientific method? (Taught by Mrs. Kellett)
1. State the Problem 2. Make Observations 3. Form a Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Accept of Reject Hypothesis 6. Conclusion
Convert .007 dm to dkm.
.00007 dkm is correct.
Find the amount of error if the estimate is 578 g and the actual is 437 g.
141 g is correct.
What are four things to remember when taking a sample?
1. Have variety 2. No bias (don't try to get someone to answer in a certain way) 3. Get a large sample group 4. Make sure the sample reflects the population
What is biology? What is technology?
Biology is the study of living organisms. Technology is machines and devices derived by science that ease our lifestyles.
What was the correct scientific method for "Over Hear?"
1. Which direction do kids hear the best from? 2. Gather information from doctors, nurses, kids, prior knowledge, etc. 3. I think kids hear best from the left. PPREDICTION: If kids hear best from the left, then they will correctly guess left clap most often. 4. Get kids to clap from top, bottom, left, right, front, and back sides. Have a blindfolded person guess the direction and record the results. 5. My hypothesis was accepted! (If used above hypothesis) 6. Kids hear best from the left.
What are the four rules for writing metrics?
1. There are no plural measurement symbols (kg not kgs) 2. There are no periods written after units (kg not kg.) 3. Leave a space between number and unit (1 m not 1m) 4. A space is used instead of a comma when writing large numbers (1 000 kg not 1,000 kg)
Find the percent error if the estimate is 2400 km and the actual is 3000 km.
20% is correct.
What is the difference between Observations and Inferences? What is the difference between Mass and Weight?
Observations are facts and you observe them with your five senses. Inferences are ideas you draw from observations. Mass is the amount of matter that a body contains, measured in grams. Weight is the mass of an object related to the gravity of the area.