Particle Theory
Characteristics of Fluids
Flow rate
Factors That Influence Flow Rate
Fluid Dynamics

What are particles always doing?

Particles are always moving.


what are the two main characteristics of fluids?

it has no shape and is a mixture that can flow.


What is Cohesion?

particles of the same substance sticking together.


How does the size of the pipe affect how fast the fluid flows?

The bigger the pipe, the faster the fluid can flow through it.  


What is fluid dynamics?

Fluid dynamics is the study of how fluids (liquids and gases) move.


What happens when you heat up water?

the water moves faster and spreads apart.


What are the two types of flow that we learned

turbulent & laminar.


What is Adhesion?

Adhesion is when one substance sticks with a substances that's different from itself.


How does pressure affect the flow rate?

Higher pressure makes the fluid flow faster.  


What causes turbulence in fluid flow?

Turbulence happens when the flow becomes irregular, usually happens because of high speed, obstacles, or changes in the flow direction.


What is the particle theory?

An explanation of what matter is made of and how it behaves.


What are the main types of fluid flow regions?

The three main types of fluid flow regions are turbulent, transition, and laminar.


What is viscosity?

the property of a liquid that describes how fast or slowly it will flow.


How does the thickness of a liquid affect how it flows?

Thicker liquids like syrup flow more slowly than thinner liquids like water.


What is the difference between laminar and turbulent flow?

Laminar flow is smooth and even, while turbulent flow is rough and crazy.


What is water made up of?

Water is made of 2 Hydrogen cells and 1 Oxygen cell.


How do fluids move?

Fluids do not have a definite shape. Instead, a fluid takes the shape of its container.


How does the temperature of a liquid affect its flow?

When the temperature increases, the liquid becomes less thick (less viscous) and flows faster.


What effect do rough surfaces have on the flow of a fluid?

Rough surfaces slow down the flow of the fluid because of more friction.


What is streamlining in fluid dynamics?

Streamlining is the process of shaping an object so that it moves more smoothly through the fluid (like the shape of an airplane or fish).


what happens when you cool particles?

the particles slow down and get closer.


What is an example of laminar flow? (each one you can name is 100 points) 

Blood flow, Faucet, Rivers and canals, Dripping honey, Smoke, Airflow in the respiratory system, Aircraft design, Oil flow.


What is the formula used to calculate flow rate?

Flow rate = Volume / Time.


How does gravity affect the flow of fluids?

Gravity helps pull fluids down, which can make them flow faster.


What happens to the pressure of a fluid as it moves faster?

As the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases.