The coldest planet in our solar system is
Which animals can recognize themselves in a mirror?
Name 2 of them
Great apes, Asian elephant, Manta rays, Dolphins, Orcas, the Eurasian magpie, and the Cleaner Wrasse.
Which planet is called the red planet?
Do dogs sweat?
Unlike humans, who can sweat from their skin just about anywhere on their bodies, dogs rely on only their paw pads to release sweat.
The formation of which element in the ears is a natural protector that can prevent bacteria, fungal infections and other microorganisms from entering the ear cavity?
Which planet has the highest amount of gravity in our solar system?
This animal never run out of teeth, as they lose up to 100 per day
What causes Venus to be hot?
Venus' atmosphere is very dense, and it is made up of 96% carbon dioxide.
The sun is made up of which gases?
Hydrogen and Helium
Which animal kills the most people per year?
Mosquitos are by far the deadliest creature in the world when it comes to annual human deaths, causing around one million deaths per year, compared to 100,000 deaths from snakes and 250 from lions.
Which metal has the highest density?