Water and Atoms
Air Circulation
The Engineering Design Process and The Scientific Method
Class Projects

What is the name of the layer, or blanket of air that surrounds and protects Earth?

The atmosphere


What temperature causes higher a higher density in the air, cool/cold or warm?

Cool/cold Temperatures cause higher densities/amount of pressure.


Holiday Question:

What does Christmas celebrate?

The birth of Jesus


What happens when liquids with different densities are poured into the same container? Why does this happen?  Hint: Concept of two experiments, I'm not going to tell who's

The liquids don't mix, due to surface tension.


How does the Global Conveyor Belt work?

The water in the Gulf Stream starts to lose heat, so it sinks, since it is colder and has a higher density. Then, it slowly moves south to Antarctica. After that, the water goes back north to the Pacific Ocean where it warms back up again. Lastly, the water travels back to the Gulf Stream and the cycle starts all over again.



What is a convection cell?

A convection cell is when wind/convection occurs in a cycle and goes in a circle. 


What are the five/six (depends on version) steps of the Engineering Design Process from first to last?

Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create/Test, Improve


What causes water to become more dense than vegetable oil?  Hint: Olivia's Experiment

Alka Seltzers


Exactly what percentage of all the water of Earth is in the oceans?



At what season do many storms form and why do so many form at this time?

Autumn is when many storms occur. This is because of the now cold air combining with the finally warm water.


Name five types of engineers in the world.

Examples: Civil, Aerospace, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Systems, Environmental, Computer, Nuclear


What does soap do to pepper in water and why does it do this? 

Soap pushes the pepper away, because soap breaks surface tension.


What part does the Sun play in the hydrosphere?

The Sun pumps water around the hydrosphere and does this by heating up the water molecules, which causes evaporation.


What order do the three (water, land, atmosphere/air) heat up from fastest to slowest?

Air, land, then lastly water


What are the three main things engineers use to solve problems?

They use science, math, and creativity.


Holiday Question:

Around when did the mayflower set sail for America from England? (must be at least right year)

Around the 16th of September, 1620


What are the four parts of an atoms and what do each of them do?

Nucleus, protons, electrons, neutrons. The nucleus is the center and is made of protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge, while neutrons have no charge. Electrons surround the nucleus, travel very fast, and have a negative charge.


Name the global winds in the Southern Hemisphere from the equator to Antarctica.

Doldrums, Trade Winds, Horse Latitudes, Westerlies, Polar Easterlies


What are the six steps of the Scientific Method from first to last?

1. Find the problem needed to be solved

2. Make observations

3. Make an inference/conclusion

4. Come up with hypothesis

5. Conduct an experiment

6. Prove whether hypothesis was right / summary


In what order did the five liquids thaw from fastest to slowest and why did soda take that its place? Hint: juice, coke, water, vinegar, and milk are the five liquids

Vinegar, water, coke, juice, milk. The sodium in Coke helped preserve the ice, so it took longer than water.