A rock is broken in half in a middle of a field. What process most likely caused the rock to break
What is weathering? water freezing and thawing breaking the rock into pieces
When salt and sugar are able to mix or dissolve in water that is an example of insoluble or soluble?
What is soluble?
You have a complete circuit with an open switch, wires, battery, and lightbulb but the bulb is not working.
What is the switch needs to be closed in order to light the bulb?
______ is needed in order to drive the watercycle.
What is the sun?
An examples of thermal energy in the classroom
What is _____?
The deposit of sediments carried by wind, water, or ice.
What is deposition?
When oil and water are mixed the oil in the water would be soluble or insoluble?
What is insoluble? Oil does not dissolve in water.
Draw a complete circuit with a battery, switch, wires, and bell that rings.
What is ______?
As water evaporates it cools and forms into __________ which form a ____________.
What is tiny little water droplets that form a cloud?
Give 2 examples of how electrical energy is used at home.
What is _________ and __________?
The process of rock, soil or sediments are transported from one place to another by water, wind, or ice.
What is erosion?
Explain how a salt water mixture can be separated.
What is boil the water so the water will evaporate and the salt would stay behind?
Draw a series circuit with 3 light bulbs that light up.
What is _________?
To study the water cycle, students add ice cubes to a glass of water. Ten minutes later they observe the glass. On the outside of the glass, students see drops of water. Explain what is observed.
What is water vapor has become liquid water? The water vapor around the glass was cooled and formed tiny water droplets that run down the glass as water.
Give 2 examples of how light energy is used in a kitchen.
What is ______ and ______?
Layers of sand and dead plants over millions of years create a compaction and cementation of sediments.
What is sedimentary rocks?
Give an example of 2 substances that would keep their physical properties if mixed together.
What is salt and sugar? nuts and m&ms
iron filings and sand
iron filings and salt
Draw a parallel circuit with 3 working bulbs.
What is ______?
A student plans to make a chart that describes each process in the water cycle. Which sentence should the student use to describe the process of condensation?
What is gas(water vapor) forms into droplets of water when it cools?
Mrs. Alonzo is making toast for breakfast, tell what 2 forms of energy is she using to toast the bread.
What is electrical energy and thermal energy?
A construction crew cuts through rock exposing six layers that contain fossils. The top layer being 1 and the bottom layer being 6. Workers want to know which layer would have the oldest fossils and why.
What is layer 6 because over millions of years sediments have been deposited, compacted, cemented into layers forming layers that contain fossils?
If tea powder and sugar are mixed in water, what changes occur to the physical properties of the ingredients?
Both the tea powder and sugar dissolve in the water because they are soluble.
Create a parallel circuit that has two working light bulbs and a bell that does not ring.
What is _______?
Name the processes you would use to create a model of the water cycle, including plants.
What is sun, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, run-off, accumulation, transpiration?
You have a simple circuit with a battery, wires, and bulb. Tell the forms of energies that are being used to allow the bulb to work?
What is chemical energy to electrical, to light energy?