Chapter 10: S1 & S2
SI Units and Formulas
Chapter 11: S1-S3
Chapter 14: S1-S3
Simple Machines
the speed of an object AND the direction of its motion
What is velocity?
Kilograms (kg)
What is SI unit for mass?
Name each law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction F=ma, an object acted upon by a net force will accelerate in the direction of the force, and that the acceleration equals that net force divided by the object's mass An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion, stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force
What is Newton's 3rd Law? What is Newton's 2nd Law? What is Newton's 1st Law?
Using a force to move an object a distance Also name the SI unit What is the equation?
What is work? What is joules? W=fd
A machine that does work with only ONE movement; there are six basic types A machine made up of 2 or more simple machines
What is simple machine? What is a compound machine?
the speed of an object at one INSTANT of time
What is instantaneous speed?
What is formula for momentum?
Identify the following types of friction: friction between an object and air and water friction needed to make a wheel or tire turn force that acts to resist movement between two touching surfaces friction that slows down an object that slides
What is Fluid friction? What is Rolling friction? What is static friction? What is sliding friction?
How quickly work is done is ___________? What is the equation? SI Unit is
What is power? P=w/t What is watts?
Any rigid/stiff rod or plank that pivots, or rotates, about a pivot point The pivot point of a lever
What is lever? What is a fulcrum?
includes the distance between your starting and end points and the direction in which you travel the length of the route traveled
What is displacement? What is distance?
What is SI unit for momentum?
Identify types of motion: motion of an object in a circle curved path an object follows when thrown or propelled forward change in an object's position circular motion experienced when objects orbit the earth
What is circular motion? What is projectile motion? What is motion? What is satellite motion?
The force that YOU apply on a machine is _______ _____. The force that the MACHINE applies is _____ _____.
What is input force? What is output force?
A flat, sloped surface Two inclinded planes put together and has a cutting edge An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or post
What is incline plane? What is wedge? What is screw?
the change in velocity(speed) divided by the time it takes for the change to happen The type of acceleration an object has when it slows down? speeds up?
What is acceleration? What is negative acceleration? What is positive acceleration?
What is formula for force?
Complete each sentence. 1. A point from which you can determine if an object has changed position is called _____________ _________. 2. _____________ _________ is two or more forces acting on an object that DO NOT cancel and cause the object to accelerate. 3. A force that pulls an object inward toward the center of a circle is called _______________ ____________. 4. _______ is a measurement of force that depends on gravity. 5. The tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion is called _____________.
What is reference point? What is unbalanced forces? What is centripetal force? What is weight? What is inertia?
The number of times a machine increases the input force; the larger this number is the easier the work
What is mechanical advantage?
Consists of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped over it
What is pulley?
equals the total distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel the distance. s=d/t
What is speed?
Newtons, N
What is SI unit for force?
The maximum speed an object travels when falling
What is terminal velocity?
a measure of a machine's effectiveness
What is efficiency?
Consists of two circular objects of different sizes that are attached in such a wasy that ehy rotate together
What is wheel and axle?