creation &
the bible

what is science's version of the big bang?

science claims the Big Bang was when a single atom became so compact that it had no choice but to explode, creating the universe, and all living creatures, including us.


how are we called to take care of the earth?

recycle, care for the animals, esc.


is science and christianity at war?

no they in fact work together as science proves the bible.


what is one of the many things that science can't confirm?

the future, and therefore the book of Revelations.


what are each of the days of creation.

day 1. created heaven and earth and created light

day 2. created sky

day 3. created dry land, seas, plants and trees

day 4. created sun, moon and stars

day 5. created sea creatures and flying animals

day 6. the animals and Adam and Eve

day 7. God rested


why is the bible more trustworthy?

the reason for this is because the bible has stayed true to our values and beliefs whereas science is always updating and changing 


what are the two things usually argued over? (e.g. events in the bible that science is debating)

the resurrection of Jesus and the creation


why is science dangerous and deciding in the wrong hands?

because it can be used to manipulate and distract others as they may try to disprove the bible.


when God said "let there be light", was that the big bang?

it could have been but not in the way that is scientifically thought of. it may actually have been God’s voice that had caused a ‘bang’ noise as many prophets who have heard the Lord’s voice has described it as a loud and thunderous sound in revelations 14:2 and revelations 19:6


are people less religious/ need the bible less now because science answers all the questions?

the bible answers all the questions first and foremost without flaws whereas science has a lot of flaws and mistakes and is constantly fluctuating. However, I also believe that peoples faith has declined though I don’t believe is is solely due to science how having ‘all’ the answers


is the Bible scientifically accurate?

The bible is scientifically accurate because science always ends up coming to the same conclusion that had been written in the bible from centuries ago even though, in humans attempt to belittle God, we have tried every other possible solution.


what does science say about Noah and the flood?

Although major websites and tv channels such as National Geographics had claimed only 2 years ago that “there is no way to place Noah, if he really did exist, or the flood”, evidence of Noah’s existence and the factuality of the flood is being brought into the light as some claim that pieces of the original ark has been found. If anything this further proves how science fluctuates and is therefore not 100% fool proof and accurate