These are often large and colourful to attract insects
What is a Petal?
The male parts of the flower
What are Stamens?
Female part of the flower made of the ovary, style and stigma
What is Carpel (Sometimes called a pistil)?
When pollen lands on the stigma of a flower
What is Pollination?
In the bud these protect the rest of the flower
What is the Sepal?
Contain the pollen grains
What are Anthers?
Place which receives the pollen grains
What is the Stigma?
When the male nucleus from the pollen grain joins with the female nucleus in the egg/ovule
What is Fertilisation?
At the base of the flower - contains the sweet liquid , nectar, that bees and other insects get from the flower.
What is Nectary?
Supports the anther
What is the Filament?
This supports the stigma. The pollen tube has to grow down this part to deliver the pollen nucleus to the egg.
What is the Style?
The seed contains an embryo which has developed from the fertilized egg cell and a food store.
What is the seed?
Bonus Question: The one who shall not be named.
Who is Voldemort?
Made in the anther and contains the male nucleus.
What is Pollen Grain?
At the base of the style -contains the ovules/eggs
What is the Ovary?
After fertilization the ovary develops into a fruit which is used for seed dispersal.
What is fruit?
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Bonus Question: Best place in Japan for Skiing?
Where is Niseko?
This contains the female nucleus.
What is the Ovule / Egg?
Moving away from the parent plant. Seed dispersal allows the young seedling to develop with less competition.