Natural Processes
Fossil Fuels
What are the forces that can cause changes to the land? The forces that can cause changes to the land are _______, _______, and _________.
The forces that can cause changes to the land are wind, water, and ice.
Name the three types of rocks. The three types of rocks are ________, _________, and __________.
The three types of rocks are igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.
What are fossils? Fossils are ________________.
Fossil are the remains of organisms that lived long ago.
What are fossil fuels? Fossil fuels are ______________.
Fossil fuels are natural fuels that give off energy when they are burned.
What can you tell about the past just by looking at the order of each layer of rock?
By looking at the order of each layer of rock, we can tell which layers formed first and which formed last.
Describe the process of erosion. Erosion is the process ___________________.
Erosion is the process by which rock and soil are moved by wind or moving water.
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
(1) Rocks are weathered. (2) The sediments are carried away by wind or water. (3) These sediments are deposited in a different place. (4) New layers of sediment are deposited one on top of the other. (5) These layers create pressure and the sediments are cemented together, creating SEDIMENTARY ROCK.
Where are fossils most commonly found? Fossils are most commonly found ______________.
Fossils are most commonly found in sedimentary rock.
Name 3 types of fossil fuels.
Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal
Where does most sediment come from?
Most sediment comes from the weathering of rocks.
Describe the process of deposition. Deposition is the process _____________________.
Deposition is the process by which sediments are moved from one place to another, by the forces of wind, water, and ice.
Limestone and sandstone are common types of ____________.
Limestone and sandstone are common types of SEDIMENTARY ROCK.
Explain how we can tell which fossils are older. We can tell which fossils are older by ____________.
We can tell which fossils are older by looking at the layer in which they are positioned. For example, a fossil found in the bottom layer is older than a fossil found in the top layer.
Explain how humans use fossil fuels.
Humans use fossil fuels to produce energy. Electrical energy can be produced and also gasoline for our vehicles.
Explain how we can tell that life existed in the past.
We can tell that life existed in the past by finding fossils in rocks and studying them.
Describe the process of weathering. The process of weathering is ______________________.
The process of weathering is the breaking down of rock by wind, water, and ice.
__________ are most commonly found in sedimentary rock.
FOSSILS are most commonly found in sedimentary rock.
Explain the importance of fossils. Fossils are important, because ____________________.
Fossils are important, because they give us information about the surface of the Earth, the climate, and life forms.
Explain how coal is formed.
Refer to our diagram. ----->>>>
What can we learn from studying fossils? By studying fossils, we can learn ________________
By studying fossils, we can learn about the organisms that lived long ago, how the Earth's climate has changed and what it used to be like, and how the Earth's surface has changed over time.
Describe how sand dunes are formed.
Rocks are weathered into tiny pieces of sand. That sand is eroded by the force of wind. The sand is then DEPOSITED in a different place, creating large mounds called sand dunes.
Explain the relation between sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels.
The pressure of sedimentary rock layers, and the heat the pressure creates, are important ingredients in the creation of fossil fuels.
A fossil of a fish is found at the summit of a mountain. What can we infer from this? We can infer that ______________.
We can infer that the top of the mountain was once an ocean floor.
What are the four ingredients needed to create fossil fuels? The four ingredients needed to create fossil fuels are ________, ________, _________, and _________.
The four ingredients needed to create fossil fuels are (1) dead plants and animals, (2) pressure, (3) heat, and (4) millions of years.
Explain how the Earth's surface is constantly changing.
Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Water, Wind, Ice, Landforms (deltas, sand dunes, canyon), Glacier, Force, Constantly, Change/Changing