Structure and Function of Living Things
Matter: Properties and Changes
Earth Structures, processes and history
Evolution and Genetics & Energy Conservation
Ecosystems and Molecular Biology
Why do doctors suggest that people get a flu vaccine each year?
viruses can mutate from year to year
Which explains how periods on the periodic table are organized?
increasing atomic number from left to right
Which oceanic zone do clams and crabs survive by burrowing in the sand? A. oceanic B. intertidal C. deep ocean D. open ocean
What most likely causes the fur of the fox to change color? A. the amount of sunlight present B. the fox's habitat C. the fox's genes D. the fox's age
What type of relationship exists between the trees and the kudzu growing on them? Kudzu vines grow by climbing and wrapping around trees. Trees covered by kudzu can die because they are starved of sunlight.
Which of these careers would a student studying biotechnology most likely pursue? a. electrical engineering b. astronomy c. agricultural research d. geology
agricultural research
What is an example of a pure substance? A. peanuts B. milk C. gold D. air
What will determine the health of a lake used as a source of freshwater? A. its depth and width B. its temperature and pH C. its location and depth D. its temperature and depth
temperature and pH
Which is a possible disadvantage of using flowing water to produce electricity? A. ecosystem damage and loss of land B. reduced carbon dioxide emission C. only suitable for industrial use D. creates reservoirs
ecosystem damage and loss of land
Why is a healthy diet important? A. it maintains a constant body temperature B. it prevents damage to internal organs C. it makes oxygen for all the cells in the body D. it supplies the body's needs for growth and energy
it supplies the body's needs for growth and energy
What is the scenario that could best explain how people got sick? Ten people became sick with the flu after attending a school dance. A. contact with environmental sources B. contact with an infected animal C. contact with a contaminated object D. contact with an infected person
contact with an infected person
If a chemical reaction such as photosynthesis begins with 6 atoms of carbon (C), how many atoms of carbon (C) should be in the products?
6 atoms of carbon
What would a consequence be, if there is upwelling in a coastal area?
more aquatic life
Which is a problem with using wind turbines to produce energy? A. they only work in certain areas B. they occupy a small area of land C. they produce a lot of energy D. they create a lot of pollution
they only work in certain areas
Which food provides the most energy for the body in the shortest amount of time? A. potato B. meat C. milk D. fruit
Which is the best way to help prevent the flu from becoming a pandemic? A. getting a vaccination B. taking antibiotics C. eating fruits and vegetables D. washing hands often
getting a vaccination
What would explain why the total mass of the products would be less than the total weight of the reactants after a chemical reaction?
gases were released to the atmosphere
Why is water from an aquifer more likely to be cleaner than water from the other sources? A. because it forms where fresh and salt water meet B. because it receives water directly from precipitation C. because it rises to the surface near the ocean
it has been filtered by rocks
Scientist think that dolphins and whales may have evolved from a common ancestor. What evidence supports this hypothesis? A. they swim the same way B. they eat the same food C. they live in the same area in the ocean D. they have similar anatomies
they have similar anatomies
Why is protein an important part of a healthy diet? A. it is needed to change glucose to energy B. it needed to store nutrients C. it is needed to repair tissue D. it is needed to produce water
it is needed to repair tissue
Which is a way the agricultural biotechnology industry could have a positive impact in the environment? A. producing crops that are virus resistant B. making robots to replace large farm machines C. reducing the need for countries to import food D. increasing the use of wind farms that produce electricity
reducing need to import food
What will happen to the molecules in the ice as the ice is heated? A. molecules move slower B. molecules move faster C. molecules will begin to increase in density D. molecules will begin to condense in air
the molecules will began to move faster
What would help the scientist determine the approximate age of the dinosaur bones? (A dinosaur finds the bones of a dinosaur)
the index fossils in the area of bones
Which would best allow a species to survive environmental changes? A. similar physical features B. low mutation rate C. small population D. genetic diversity
genetic diversity
What happens to a population and to competition when there is a reduction of living space? A. the population expands and competition intensifies B. competition strengthens while the population contracts C. The population increases as competition decreases D. competition weakens and the populations decreases
competition strengthens while the population contracts