Lab Equipment
The Scientific Method
SI Units

Before you make any kind of graph, you need to put your data on a _.



For safety, these two things should be used.

1. Goggles
2. Lab coats


The first step of the Scientific Method is.... 

Ask a question


What is the SI unit?

Science language of measurements

It lets us know what is being measured and how 

The variable that does not change and no treatment is done to it is the __



Nadya is doing research on the main sources of income in her country. She realizes that the annual revenue (how much a country makes in a year) is made up of 3 main sources. What is the best graph to use to show her results?

A pie graph 


To measure the length of a piece of paper, we must use this tool. 

A ruler


The hypothesis is an ____ ______.

Educated guess based on the background research 

Sienna wants to measure the distance from her house to her best friend's house (a few blocks away). What SI unit should she use?



The dependent variable is ____

What can be observed


On a line graph, what is represented on the x-axis and what is on the y-axis?

x-axis = time
y-axis = what is being measured


This lab equipment needs a rack for them to be held in place. 

A test tube


Pablo finished his experiment and analyzed his results. He realized that his hypothesis was false. What is the next step that he's supposed to do?

He has to go back to his original hypothesis and change it before he redoes the experiment. 


COVID-19 vaccines need to be stored properly at the correct temperature. What would people handling the vaccine need to use to measure this? What is the unit they should measure?

A thermometer, Celsius 


Three wax palm trees are kept at different humidity levels inside of a greenhouse for 12 weeks. One tree is left outside in normal conditions. Height of the tree is measured once a week.

What is the independent, dependent, and control variables?

IV: Humidity levels
DV: Height of the trees
C: The tree left outside in normal conditions 


Which graph shows information about change over time?

A line graph


What is used to see things up close?
What is used to see things that are very far away?

a. Microscope

b. Telescope

a.1 - magnifier 


At what stage of the Scientific Method do the graphs belong? 

In the analysis of results


What is the unit of measurement for pressure?



One tank of goldfish is fed the normal amount of food once a day, a second tank is fed twice a day, and a third tank four times a day during a six week study. The fish’s body fat is recorded daily. 

Identify the independent, dependent, and control variables. 

IV: amount of food given to the fish
DV: fish's body fat
C: the goldfish that is fed normally


List the correct order to build a bar graph:

- draw the bars
- plot the top of the bars
- draw the x- and y-axis
- label the title and axes
- create an equidistant (same distance) scale

1. Draw the x- and y-axis

2. Label the title and axes
3. Create an equidistant scale
4. Plot the top of the bars
5. Draw the bars


These two objects are used to heat substances up. 

1. Bunsen burner
2. Alcohol burner

James wants to find out if sugar in soda affects the rate of evaporation. 

Write a hypothesis that would make sense for his experiment. 

(correct answers will vary)

It takes Andy 3180 seconds to bike to Porongo. 

How much time is that in minutes?



Different rose bushes are grown in a greenhouse for two months. The number of flowers on each bush is counted at the end of an experiment. 

Identify the independent, dependent, and control variables. 

IV: Rose bushes
DV: Number of flowers
C: There is no control variable...