List three safe procedures that you should take in a lab where you are using toxic chemicals.
1. Wear Goggles 2. Wear Gloves 3. Tie Hair Back
What are the steps of the scientific method?
1. Problem 2. Hypothesis 3. materials 4. IV/DV 5. Constants 6. Procedure7. Data 8. Analysis 9. Conclusion
What is the reasoning for creating a hypothesis for an experiment?
A hypothesis is the basis for determining what to test during the experiment and to help us decide what type of data we should collect.
Why are graphs and tables important for scientists?
Help them organize their data, and find trends so that they can draw conclusions.
If you had to measure the distance from here to California, what SI unit would you use?
A scientist is designing an experiment to test the the affect of coffee on your test scores. State the proper problem or question that is being tested.
How does drinking coffee before a test affect your test score?
Design a hypothesis for the question: Does listening to rock music affect your pulse rate?
If I listen to rock music, then my pulse rate will increase because rock music is very loud and intense and will cause me to be more excited, which will cause my pulse to increase.
What is the independent and dependent variables for the following problem: A scientists wants to know what amount of water will help her tomato plants grow the tallest.
Independent variable= amount of water. Dependent variable= height of the tomato plants
250,000 written in scientific notation
2.5 X 10 5th
The name of the number system used by all countries other than the U.S.
SI or Systeme Internacionale
A laboratory procedure calls for heating 50 milliliters of sugar solution to 60 degrees Celsius. What pieces of laboratory equipment do you think a student would need to complete this procedure?
1. Goggles 2. Hot plate 3. Graduated Cylinder 4. Thermometer
How is the control group in an experiment treated differently than the experimental grow?
Control group= no treatment, or normal situation. Experimental group= receives treatment or has the variable changed
A student conducted an experiment to determine if listening to different types of music would affect pulse rate. She thought that pulse rate would change with different types of music. Each person participating in her experiment listen to seven different selections of music for 30 seconds each. The pulse rates were taken after each 30-second interval of music. Based on her experiment, the student concluded that a person's pulse rate changed when listening to different types of music. What component is missing from this experiment?
There is no control group!
King Henry Died by drinking chocolate milk
The mnemonic device that helps us to remember the prefixes for doing metric conversions
.025 m = ____________ cm
2.5 cm
An experiment was carried out to determine whether drinking caffeinated soda increases pulse rate. The pulse rates of two groups of people at rest were measured. Group A was then given caffeinated soda and Group B was given caffeine-free soda. One hour after drinking the soda, pulse rates were measured. The participants in the experiment were all the same age, and they were all given the same amount of soda. What is the dependent variable for this experiment?
Dependent variable =pulse rates of the individuals
Describe how you can use the "water displacement method' to determine the volume of an irregular object.
Use a graduated cylinder, add water and take note of the volume before the object is placed in the water. Once the object is placed in the graduated cylinder subtract the orginal volume by the new volume.
List three things that every experiment must have in order to avoid bias and maintain a valid experiment.
1. Multiple Trials 2. Large Sample Size 3. Record ALL data
You have been assigned to design an experiment to determine the effect of light on the growth of tomato plants. In your experimental design be sure to include: 1. The problem we are testing 2. A possible hypothesis 3. identify the independent variable 4. Describe the type of data you would want to collect.
1. Does the amount of light affect the growth of tomato plants? 2. If a tomato plant is given light, then it will grow the tallest, because tomato plants need light in order to perform photosynthesis 3. Independent variable= Amount of light 4. Data= Height of the plant in centimeters
When you complete an experiment you decide whether your hypothesis was supported or refuted. What step of experimental design does this belong in?
The conclusion....can also be in the analysis
A biologist formulates a hypothesis, performs experiments to test his hypothesis, makes careful observations, and keeps accurate records of his findings. In order to complete this process, the biologist should do what?
Evaluate his findings and, if necessary, alter the hypothesis based on his findings, and test the new hypothesis
A company that manufactures a popular multivitamin wanted to determine whether their multivitamin had any side effects. For its initial study, the company chose 2000 individuals to take one of their multivitamin tablets per day for one year. Scientists from the company surveyed the participants to determine whether they had experienced any side effects. What is wrong with their procedure?
There is no control group. All of the participants received the multivitamin instead of there being 2 groups, one that received the multivitamin and one that does not.
Define and describe how the following words are related: OBSERVATION, INFERENCE, THEORY, FACT
Observation is something that you see, touch, taste, smell or hear. An inference is an educated guess you make based off of your observations. A theory is a scientific statement that is highly supported by evidence. A fact is something that some one visualized happening. These words are related because often times people mis-use these words and use them interchangeably. In science it is important that during an experiment that we only utilize our observations when collecting data, not our inferences. Also, our conclusions can never be regarded as fact, and can only be considered theories after multiple experiments yield similar results
Does eating cheese make you smarter? What would be the independent variable, dependent variable, control group and experimental group for this experiment?
-Independent variable=eating cheese -Dependent variable= smartness -Control group= does not eat cheese -Experimental group= eats cheese
The drugs usually used to treat high blood pressure do not affect blood vessels in the lungs. Bosentan is a new drug being studied as a treatment for high blood pressure in the lungs. In an experiment, patients treated with Bosentan showed an improvement in the distance they could walk with out fatigue in 12 weeks. Design an experiment to test the effectiveness of Bosentan as a drug to treat high blood pressure in the lungs. In your answer be sure to: 1. State the hypothesis 2. State how the control group would be different from the experimental group 3. State two factors that should be held constant in both groups 4. State the type of data that should be collected to determine if the hypothesis is supported
1.People that take Bosentan will be able to walk further without fatigue after 12 weeks. 2. Control group does not receive the drug, experimental does. 3.The amount and type of food and any other exercise should be constant. 4. How far people can walk without fatigue.