Scientific Method
Inference vs. Observation
Quantitative vs Qualitative

The first step in the scientific method

What is the problem or question


The girl is happy

What is an inference?


The blanket is 84 inches long.

What us quantitative?


Jennifer is testing to see the effect of the weight of the paper used to make a paper airplane has on how far the airplane flies. She makes paper airplanes out of tissue paper, copy paper, construction paper, poster board and cardboard. She Then throws each airplane and measures how far it flies. The length the airplane flies is which variable?

What is the dependent variable?


This is the last step in the Scientific Method?

What is the conclusion?


The balloon is red

What is observation


The chemicals smelled like rotten eggs.

What is qualitative?


Jennifer is testing to see the effect of the weight of the paper used to make a paper airplane has on how far the airplane flies. She makes paper airplanes out of tissue paper, copy paper, construction paper, poster board and cardboard. She Then throws each airplane and measures how far it flies. The size of the airplane is which variable?

What is the control variable?


This is an educated guess based on research and prior knowledge

What is the hypothesis?


The dolphin weighs 245 kg

What is observation


The shrimp weighed 25 g

What is quantitative


Jennifer is testing to see the effect of the weight of the paper used to make a paper airplane has on how far the airplane flies. She makes paper airplanes out of tissue paper, copy paper, construction paper, poster board and cardboard. She Then throws each airplane and measures how far it flies. The paper used is which variable?

What is independent variable?

What step lists the steps you need to take to complete the experiment

What is the procedure?


The teacher did no come to school today so he must be sick. 

What is inference?


The gummy bear grew bigger when placed in water. 

What is qualitative?


Jennifer is testing to see the effect of the weight of the paper used to make a paper airplane has on how far the airplane flies. She makes paper airplanes out of tissue paper, copy paper, construction paper, poster board and cardboard. She Then throws each airplane and measures how far it flies. Where she flies the airplanes is which variable?

What is a control variable?


This step includes the measurements and observations you made

What is data/results?


The boy is reading a book about space, so Science must be his favorite subject


The insect has circular wings and equal numbers of legs on each side of its body

What is qualitative?


There can only be one of these in each experiment to make it a fair experiment

What is independent variable?