science 1
science 2
science 3
science 4
science 5

to investigate and understand the natural world, to explain events in the natural world, and to use those explanations to make useful predictions.

What is science?


Which step of the scientific method is missing: Question Formulate a Hypothesis ______________ Observe and Record Analyze Results Share the Results

What is an Experiment?


Science begins with this.

What is a problem or a question?


What you can see, touch, taste, smell, and hear.

What is an observation?


This is the only thing Science deals with.

What is the natural world?


These people collect and organize information in a careful, orderly way, looking for patterns and connections between events.

What is a scientist?


In which step of the scientific method do you use your information to draw conclusions about your experiment?

What is Analyze Results.


A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question

What is the Scientific Method?


Another word for what you are trying to find out in an experiment.

What is a problem?


Often starts with "I think because....."

What is a Hypothesis?


This variable is observed during the experiment.

What is the dependent variable?


What are the two types of observation?

What is Qualitative Measurement and Quantitative Measurement.


What step of the scientific method do you test your hypothesis?

What is an Experiment?


A word to describe what you learned from the experiment

What is the conclusion?


The data that has been collected must be ________ to determine whether it is reliable.

What is organized and analyzed?


This is the variable that is deliberately changed by the scientist.

What is the Independent variable?


List the independent and dependent variables in the following hypothesis. If soil temperatures rise, then plant growth will increase.

What is...Independent-soil temperatures, Dependent-plant growth.


In an experiment what are the variables that are not being studied that are held constant so that they do not influence the experimental outcome called?

What is Control.


A possible scientific explanation for a set of observations.



This type of data is obtained by counting or measuring.

What is Quantitative data?


Thinking about the hypothesis: If soil temperatures rise, then plant growth will increase. What might a control in this experiment be?

What is... using the same potting soil, making sure both plants have an equal amount of light etc.


If you drink more milk will you get stronger bones? State a good hypothesis for this question.

What is...If you increase the amount of milk you drink, then you will increase the strength of your bones.


Find the independent and dependent variables in the following experiment: If you increase the number of times you practice shooting free-throws, then you will increase your chances of making a basket every time.

What is Independent- practice shooting free throws, Dependent- making baskets.


List all of the parts of the scientific method.

What is (Observation / Asking a Question, Form a Hypothesis, Design a Controlled Experiment, Record and Analyze Results, Draw Conclusions)


This type of data cannot be counted.

What is Qualitative Data?