
What is the scientific method

*Step by step process

*Used to answer questions and solve problems


Why is the scientific method important

It makes sure experiments are fair, repeatable and based on evidence


What is the independent variable in this lab:

Does the material that the ramp is made of affect the distance a toy car will roll? 

Different ramp materials


What is the dependent variable in this lab:

Does the material that the ramp is made of affect the distance a toy car will roll?

Distance a toy car rolls


What are the control variables in this lab:

Does the material that the ramp is made of affect the distance a toy car will roll?

Ramp angle, same car, same force, same environment

What are steps 1 and 2 of the scientific method

Ask a Question

Gather Research


Explain step 7 of the scientific method

7- Communicate: Share what you learned from the lab with others so that they can learn


What is the independent variable in this lab:

Does the length a rubber band is stretched affect how far it will fly when released?

Length a rubber band is stretched


What is the dependent variable in this lab:

Does the length a rubber band is stretched affect how far it will fly when released?

How far the rubber band will fly


What is the control variable in this lab:

Does the length a rubber band is stretched affect how far it will fly when released?

Same rubber band, same person stretching, same landing spot


What are steps 3 and 4 of the scientific method

Make a hypothesis

Do an experiment


Explain steps 5 and 6 of the scientific method

5- Data: Observe, measure, record all the data. Use tables, charts and graphs to organize

6- Conclusion: Review all data to see if it supports or does not support your hypothesis. Your conclusion answers your question.


What is the independent variable in this lab:

Does the amount of air (pressure) in a basketball affect how high it bounces?

Amount of air pressure in the basketball


What is the dependent variable in this lab:

Does the amount of air (pressure) in a basketball affect how high it bounces?

How high the basketball bounces


What is the control variable in this lab:

Does the amount of air (pressure) in a basketball affect how high it bounces?

Same basket ball, same distance dropped, same person dropping, same force dropped, same landing


What are steps 5 and 6 of the scientific method

Gather data

Form a conclusion


Explain steps 3 and 4 of the scientific method

3- Hypothesis: It's an educated guess. Should be testable and written as “If….then”

4- Experiment: Should be detailed. Has all 3 variables to make it fair and repeatable


What is the independent variable in this lab:

Does the length of a pendulum affect its period (time it takes to swing)?

Length of the pendulum


What is the dependent variable in this lab:

Does the length of a pendulum affect its period (time it takes to swing)?

Period/time is takes to swing


What is the control variable in this lab:

Does the length of a pendulum affect its period (time it takes to swing)?

Same pendulum material, same person, same force, same environment


What is the 7th step of the scientific method



Explain steps 1 and 2 of the scientific method

1- Ask a question: Must be specific and answerable

2- Research: It's about your topic. Use a variety of sources


What is the independent variable in this lab:

Does the phase of the moon affect the height of the tides?

Phase of the moon


What is the dependent variable in this lab:

Does the phase of the moon affect the height of the tides?

Height of the tides


What is the control variable in this lab:

Does the phase of the moon affect the height of the tides?

Time of day, same location