Name 2 cities where you can commonly find a trolley
San Francisco, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New Orleans
A person who has advanced knowledge of the natural world through experimentation and modeling.
a scientist
What is the independent variable in this lab:
Does the material that the ramp is made of affect the distance a toy car will roll?
Different ramp materials
What is the dependent variable in this lab:
Does the material that the ramp is made of affect the distance a toy car will roll?
Distance a toy car rolls
What is a controlled variable in this lab:
Does the material that the ramp is made of affect the distance a toy car will roll?
Ramp angle, same car, same force, same environment
What is the formula for distance?
Xf - Xi
A person who uses scientific knowledge to design solutions to problems.
An engineer
What is the independent variable in this lab:
Does the length a rubber band is stretched affect how far it will fly when released?
Length a rubber band is stretched
What is the dependent variable in this lab:
Does the length a rubber band is stretched affect how far it will fly when released?
How far the rubber band will fly
What is a controlled variable in this lab:
Does the length a rubber band is stretched affect how far it will fly when released?
Same rubber band, same person stretching, same landing spot
What does the letter "d" represent?
A set of things that work together as parts of a mechanism
What is the independent variable in this lab:
Does the amount of air (pressure) in a basketball affect how high it bounces?
Amount of air pressure in the basketball
What is the dependent variable in this lab:
Does the amount of air (pressure) in a basketball affect how high it bounces?
How high the basketball bounces
Name 2 controlled variables in this lab:
Does the amount of air (pressure) in a basketball affect how high it bounces?
Same basket ball, same distance dropped, same person dropping, same force dropped, same landing
Name the parts of an air trolley system
jumbo straw, superjumbo straw, tape, index card, propeller, hook, rubber band, fishing line
Describe motion
A change in position
What is the independent variable in this lab:
Does the length of a pendulum affect its period (time it takes to swing)?
Length of the pendulum
What is the dependent variable in this lab:
Does the color of a bird feeder affect how much food the birds eat?
the amount of food eaten
Name 2 controlled variables in this lab:
Does the size of the tires affect the speed of a bike?
type of bike, person riding,
What is the relationship we observed in the air trolley lab?
the more times you wind up the propeller, the further the air trolley will travel
a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion
reference point
What is the independent variable in this lab:
Students measured the temperature of the water at different depths in Lake Skywalker and found that the temperature varied.
the depth of the water
What is the dependent variable in this lab:
Does the phase of the moon affect the height of the tides?
Height of the tides
What are 2 controlled variables in this lab:
An investigation found that more bushels of potatoes were produced when the soil was fertilized more.
type of soil, location, sunlight, water