Scientific Method

What is the first step in Scientific Inquiry?

What is Observation.


What is the key to a good model?

What is workability?


What step of the scientific inquiry do you predict a possible answer to a problem or a question?

What is Hypothesis.


What is the definition of science?

What is the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models.


What is the name of the toad Ms. Griffith kept for a month?

What is Leonard?


What step of the scientific inquiry do you test your hypothesis?

What is Experiment/Investigation.


The definition of a model is:

What is a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon?


Putting my plant in the closet will decrease it's chance of living. What is wrong with this hypothesis?

What is... it is missing "If" and "Then"


What is the definition of physical science?

What is the study of nonliving matter and energy?


What is something Ms. Griffith does not tolerate in her class?

What is cheating?


Is Scientific Inquiry circular or linear?

What is circular?


Name the two major categories of models in science.

What is theory and law?


If you drink more milk will you get stronger bones? State a good hypothesis for this question.

What is...If you increase the amount of milk you drink, then you will increase the strength of your bones.


What is the definition of Physics?

What is the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them?


What is ethics?

What is a system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct?


In which step of the scientific method do you present your experiment, observations and conclusions to others?

What is Communication.


Which model, concerning the solar system, was proposed by Nicholas Copernicus?

What is the heliocentric model.


I wonder if you smoke more cigarettes, will you have a better chance of getting lung cancer? State a good hypothesis for this question.

What is...If you increase the number of cigarettes you smoke, then you will increase your chance of getting lung cancer.


What is the definition of the Law of Cause and Effect?

What is every effect has a specific, identifiable cause, and for every cause, there is a definite and predictable event?


What 3 things are in humans as evidence of God's image?

What is a will, intellect, and personality?


List all eight steps of the scientific inquiry.

What is Observation, Posing Questions, Research, Forming Hypotheses, Investigation, Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication?


What is the benefit of models?

What is "Models allow scientists to focus on a particular portion of the world around them"?


Read the following experiment and state a good hypothesis. I am doing a test to see if there is a connection between how long you run and how fast your heart beats. I will be performing an experiment where a person will run for a 1 minute and I will check their heartbeat. Then they will run for 2 minutes and I will check their heart rate. I will do this up to 6 minutes and see if there is a connection. What do you think my hypothesis should be?

What is...If I increase the amount of time I run, then my heartbeat will increase.


What is the definition of scientific inquiry?

What is an ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world?


Thinking about the hypothesis: If soil temperatures rise, then plant growth will increase. What might a control in this experiment be?

What is... using the same potting soil, making sure both plants have an equal amount of light etc.