Scientific Method 1
Scientific Method 2
Hypothesis 1
Hypothesis 2
Random Facts!

What is the first step in the scientific method?

Make an observation and ask a question


Which step of the scientific method is being described?

You bough six packs of gum- three mint flavored and three fruit flavored. Using a stopwatch you measured the amount of time it took for each type of gum to lose its flavor.

 Step 4: Test hypothesis in an experiment


What is another name for a hypothesis?

a prediction or educated guess


What are the two types of variables stated in a hypothesis?

What is Independent and Dependent.


What term is used to describe when the moon seems to be "growing"



What is the 4th step of the scientific method?

Test the hypothesis in an experiment


Why do you need to research your topic before writing your hypothesis and doing your experiment?

It is important that you are educated on your topic and are able to create an thoughtful and more accurate hypothesis and experiment.


The dependent variable in an experiment relies on the....

independent variable


What is the dependent variable responsible for identifying?

What is being measured in an experiment.


What term is used to describe when water turns from a liquid into a gas?



In which step would you organize your results in a graph or data table?

Step 5: Record and analyze data


Identify the step in the scientific method below:

My hypothesis was right. Most students who did homework got better scores than students who didn't do homework. The average score of students who did homework was 88%. Those who did not got an average of 68%.

Step 6: Write a conclusion


What is an independent variable do in a hypothesis?

Tells what you are changing


What is the correct format to use when writing a hypothesis?



The moon revolves around the __________________ and the Earth revolves around the _______________.

The moon revolves around the Earth and the Earth revolves around the Sun.


What is involved in the last step of the scientific method- write a conclusion? What do you do during this step?

You sum up and share the results of the experiment.


What step involves processing the information you gained through an experiment?

Step 5: Record and analyze the data


What is the dependent variable in the following situation?

A dog owner wants to test how exercise impacts how long his dog sleeps for. He takes his dog to the park for one hour before bedtime. 

How long the dog sleeps


What are the steps for writing a hypothesis?

1. Determine the independent variable

2. Determine the dependent variable

3. Find the "IF"

4. Find the "THEN"

5. Fine the "BECAUSE"


An animal that eats both plants and other animals is called a 



List all six steps of the scientific method.

Make an observation & ask a question, research if needed, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis in experiment, record & analyze data, write a conclusion


What is the scientific method?

It is a process that is used to produce reliable results and answer a specific question.


Write a hypothesis for the following problem:

Ms. Judge wants to make sure her plants are growing as fast as possible. She decides to move her plants in front of a window to see if this helps. 

If Ms. Judge moves her plants in front of a window, then the plants will grow faster, because plants need sunlight in order for plants to make food.


Find the independent and dependent variables in the following experiment: If you increase the number of times you practice shooting free-throws, then you will increase your chances of making a basket every time.

Independent- shooting free throws 

Dependent- how many baskets you make


What is the name of the process that plants use to make their food?
